Marvel Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 678: “Consuming Ego’s Planet”

Chapter 678: “Consuming Ego’s Planet”

Its nighttime when everyone is getting ready to go to bed. Mantis walks in with a troubled look on her face.

Quill, he calls you over.

Okay, Ill go there now. Quill glanced at Jerry and saw him nodding. He left the room with a smile and walked towards the main hall.

But Mantis did not leave with him but stayed.

Mantis, is there anything I can help you with? Jerry asked with a smile upon seeing this.

Nothing, I just want to talk to Drax. Mantis hesitated for a moment and walked straight towards Draxs room.

Unlike the others, who already knew all the plans and were deliberately waiting in the living room, Drax was the only one Jerry didnt lift the spell, and he had already fallen asleep in his room early.

I think they are quite a match. Rocket couldnt help laughing when he saw Mantis walking into Draxs room and closing the door.

Gamora and Nebula both rolled their eyes. In their eyes, Mantis is beautiful, but as for Drax, there are probably only a few women in the entire galaxy who like him.

Drax, wake up. I have something to tell you.

Drax was in a daze as if he heard someone calling him. When he opened his eyes, he was startled, Mantis, we are friends, but Im sorry, you are not my type. Halfway through his words, he seemed to have thought of something and started retching.

Mantis was momentarily stunned, I didnt mean that. Why are you retching?

Oh, I was vomiting because I thought you were something else. Im sorry, although you have a beautiful heart, you are too ugly, and we are not compatible. Drax explained while retching.

Hearing this, Mantis became angry. She slapped Drex on the forehead and said loudly, Thats not what I meant. I like you, but just as a friend. You are not even my type of person. I am here just to tell you that Egos plan will start soon. You should leave this planet quickly, or he will kill you!

She was still in a dilemma due to her fear of Ego. She wanted to talk it to Drax and gain her courage.

Mantis, can you tell us more about Egos plan? As soon as Mantis finished speaking, she heard a familiar voice coming from behind.

Jerry, Gamora, Nebula, Rocket, and Groot, who had their heads on the door frame, all poked their heads into the room. This made her cover her face in embarrassment.

In the living room, after Mantis told all about Egos plan to rule the universe, Jerry looked at Mantis and asked, Mantis, are you willing to help us fight against Ego, save planets and life in the entire universe?

I would like to, but Ego is too powerful, and you are no match for him. Mantis is kind and does not want to see Egos plan be fully achieved. But at the same time, after following Ego for so many years, she knows how powerful Ego is.

Dont worry, we can deal with him. We just need to use your ability to put him to sleep for ten seconds. Jerry offered a few words of encouragement. Seeing that Mantis still looked unsure, he winked at Drax.

Drax comforted Mantis. He said that he believed in her, and Mantis nodded in agreement.

Act according to plan.

All preparations were completed. After Jerry said the word, he Apparated from the place. When he reappeared, he was already in space outside Ego planet.

Now, we just wait for Quill. Reaching out his hand and taking out the ring, Jerry began to wait quietly as he looked at the planet in front of him.

Quill, you must know that we are a race that can live forever. Love in the mortal world is short-lived. We have more important responsibilities, and we must reshape and control the destiny of the universe.

In the main hall, Ego brainwashes Quill while telling him about his great plan.

That year, when I encountered the truly living planet and discovered the same intelligent life, I realized that not all life is as great as me. They are so small that they cannot even walk with me. I realized I wanted to expand my territory and turn all planets into part of me. Currently, I have implanted thousands of my seeds.

The only thing missing now is the power to hatch these seeds, and your arrival is the most important step in completing my plan. As long as we work together, the life in the entire universe will be ours.

Oh, thats amazing, dad. But can I ask you a question? Quill asked with admiration after hearing Egos plan.

Ego was very satisfied with Quills reaction. He felt that no one could refuse eternal life. Everything went as smoothly as he imagined.

Whats that?

Did you really love my mother back then? Quill asked slowly.

Although he already knew the truth from Jerry, he still wanted to confirm it again from Ego. This was very important.

Your mother? Of course, I love her, but I almost decided to give up my plan and stay on Earth because I love her so much. To avoid that, I put a tumor in her head, and it broke my heart to do so.

Egos expression was a little sad. But Quills pupils shrank, and he raised his head to look at Ego.

I havent tried how powerful it is. I think I will give it a try now. As his words fell, an extremely powerful force burst out and shook the entire hall.

At the same time, Jerry slightly raised the corner of his mouth.

It finally started!

He was opening the entrance to the ring world again, using all his strength to activate his magic, a force as powerful as a black hole appeared outside Egos planet, slowly moving it toward the entrance to the ring world.

Jerrys first step is to swallow Egos entire planet into the ring world.

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