Marvel Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 669: “Being Trapped”

Chapter 669: “Being Trapped”

Dormammu is a being that transcends time and death. You have no chance of winning against him. Kaecilius saw Strange flying directly to Dormammu and laughed loudly to ridicule him.

In his view, Dormammu is the real God. Even Ancient One must rely on Dormammus power to achieve immortality. Its just that Ancient One was selfish and hypocritical. She wanted eternal life for herself but was unwilling to share this method with everyone.

His ultimate purpose in going to Kamar Taj is to seek eternal life and to resurrect his dead wife and children. Since Ancient One is unwilling, he asks Dormammu for help. Strange joined Kamar Taj for less than a year and dares to directly challenge his God. That sounded like a death wish.

As Strange flew towards Dormammu, he tried hard to recall the most powerful time magic that Ancient One had given him before. He wanted to use a time loop to control Dormammu and buy time for Jerry.

Different from the time reversal just now, he wants to activate all the energy in the Time Stone and trap himself and Dormammu in a fixed time loop. But because this magic is too powerful, he is not confident that he can cast it.

Fortunately, when he was about to rush into him, he succeeded in releasing the magic, trapping himself and Dormammu together.

He is truly worthy of being the next Sorcerer Supreme. Seeing Strange trapped Dormammu with the Time Stone, Jerry was relieved.

Although Dormammu left his dimension, he was on the same level as Jerry but a little bit stronger. If he wanted to keep him, he needed enough time to prepare beforehand. If Strange cannot trap Dormammu as expected, then it will be difficult for him to accumulate enough energy to handle Dormammu.

Jerry chanted a spell, instantly creating tens of thousands of clones, filling the sky above Dormammu, and simultaneously began to use the light magic that was the most effective against Dormammu.

No, its him!

Kaecilius suddenly felt a bad feeling when he saw tens of thousands of Jerrys appearing, and tens of thousands of huge magic circles filling the entire sky.

He cared about Strange at all, because he felt that he could not pose a threat to Dormammu. But Jerrys strength was close to Ancient Ones.

Two minutes later, Strange flew out of Dormammu with some pain, and shouted towards Jerry in the air, I cant hold it any longer, its up to you now!

Just after he rushed into Dormammu, he listened to Jerrys words and kept trying to delay the time. For two minutes, he was constantly killed by the Dormammu multiple times. Then the time loops and it continues like this.

His task is to delay as much time as possible, and if possible, wear down Dormammus patience as much as possible, so that he cannot maintain a rational state. In this way, when the time loop ends, Jerry can complete his sneak attack.

After being killed by Dormammu thousands of times, Strange finally couldnt hold on any longer and canceled the time loop.

At this time, after two minutes of accumulation of magic power, Jerry had channeled the power.

Tens of thousands of Jerrys pointed at Dormammus huge body at the same time. Huge light beams illuminated the night into day and struck hard at Dormammu.

Who is it that dares to attack me?! Dormammu was bombarded by tens of thousands of light beams, and suddenly let out a scream that resounded throughout the world.

Under normal circumstances, if Jerry could accumulate light energy for two minutes and deal with such powerful magic, Dormammu would have time to react and use a magical defense to block it.

But Strange had taken his whole attention and messed up his whole mental state. Stephen is like a buzzing fly to Dormammu, an existence that can be swatted to death easily. But if you let him keep buzzing around you for a day, or even a year, then you will definitely be annoyed.

He barely had time to react when he was suddenly attacked by Jerry.

After severely injuring Dormammu with one blow, Jerry did not dare to lower his defense. Because he knew that if he lowered his defense even a little bit and let Dormammu escape, it would be for nothing.

He immediately threw his ring out, then opened a huge entrance, pouring all the magic power, allowing it to absorb Dormammu.

It is basically impossible to capture Dormammu. Not to mention that he is really strong. But if he was seriously injured, he would have a great chance of capturing him.

Although he has not yet mastered the ring world, he has improved it by 50%, the Eternal Flame can barely provide energy, and he can exert some of the power. Besides, he prepared a whole set of things for Dormammu later.

Dont you even dare!

As a Dimensional God, although Dormammu is a bit reckless, he always uses his strength to overwhelm others in fights and devours everything with his powerful dark energy. But he was not stupid. At this time, he realized that this might be a trap, and aware of the danger of the ring world wanted to suck him into it.

At this moment, he roared loudly and used all his strength to activate the energy in his body, wanting to stay away from the ring world and return to his dimension. Even though Dormammu is injured, the energy in his body shouldnt be underestimated.

Jerry poured all the magic power into his body and maximized the suction power, but Dormammus huge body was still moving away little by little.

How are you doing this?

Jerry snorted coldly when he saw this, and then shouted loudly into the sky, King Odin, please give me your hand!

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