Making the second male lead fall in love with me, the villainess

Chapter 316 - 313: While She Was Sleeping III

Chapter 316 - 313: While She Was Sleeping III

Serena woke up feeling a little fuzzy. Feeling thirsty she roused to drink some water. She looked around and saw herself in her bedroom. She felt strange that she can't remember how she got back. Last she remembered, she had dinner, fell asleep on the sofa in their drawing room while waiting for Charlton's call. She looked at herself already dressed in a nightgown. Did she return to her room last night? She can't seem to recall. Then again, nothing seemed amiss. Well except that she felt like she had a wet dream last night. Did she miss Charlton that much?

After a while, she heard someone knocking on the door.

"Milady, are you awake? May I come in?" a voice of a woman came through the door.

"Please come in." Serena replied.

Mildred came in and bowed to Serena in greeting, "Milady, please, let me assist you for the day."

"Oh, it is you, Mildred. Where is Beatrice?" Serena asked as she massaged the side of her head.

"Beatrice asked for leave this morning. She may not be coming back for the next 2 weeks as there was a sudden emergency in their family. Thus, for the meantime, I shall be taking over her duties." Mildred explained.

Serena took a glance at Mildred. She has been their housekeeper for 2 years. The woman was in her mid-40's and looked friendly. "It's alright, but you are the housekeeper. Won't it be easier to just delegate the task to another servant girl?"

Mildred shook her head, "It's alright milady. I have more free time in my hands than the other servants in the mansion. It would also be my honor to serve you personally these two weeks."

Serena finally nodded her head. "Alright. Anyway, were you the one who assisted me last night? I can't seem to recall how I returned here in my bedroom."

Mildred continued to smile, "Yes, Milady, last night you fell asleep at the drawing room. I woke you up and we walked together back here. You seem a little too drowsy, so, I assisted you in getting changed too."

Serena felt a little embarrassed but just let the matter go.


Serena continued her day like she normally does. She read through another set of invites addressed to her for parties, but she was not in the mood to attend most. Anyway, as her position in the social strata was high, there were very few people she needs to give face to.

When the clock struck 4 in the afternoon, she decided that it was time to call Charlton. He should be home by now. She dialed his telephone number and waited for someone to answer.

"Hello?" The person from the other line spoke.

Serena recognized his voice immediately. "Charlton?"

Charlton smiled hearing her voice. Trying to fool around he pretended not to recognize her. "Yes, it is me speaking. Who is this?"

Serena too smiled knowing what he was doing. "Just one of your many admirers. So, Lord Daniel, can we be phone pals?"

Charlton chuckled, "Ok, you win. How are you? I called last night only to be informed that you were already asleep."

"I'm okay. I have been waiting for your call but yeah, I did fall asleep. Maybe it's because of the boring novel that I was reading. So, have you talked to your mother? How did you tell her? What did she say?"

"Yes, I did. Well, I told her how you seduced her only son and made him your lover. Then, you made him drink some love potion, and how because of it, he can't live without you in his life anymore. Ah, the poor boy."

"HEY!" Serena exclaimed from the other line.

Charlton laughed. "Ok, just kidding! I just told her that I would never marry another girl other than you, and I asked for her help to somehow convince, or at least make her brother, the king, open to the idea of me asking for your hand in marriage."

Serena's eyes mooned, "So… how did she take it?"

"How else? Of course, she agreed to help me. Other than the fact that I'm her only son, she was happy that it was you. She likes you and I'm afraid that when we're one family, she would favor you more than me! She had always wanted a daughter."

Serena shook her head as she smiled, even when Charlton can't see her. "You're exaggerating."

"No, I'm not. Yesterday, I was out with her shopping, and you have no idea how many trinkets she picked for you. Ooops, that should be a surprise, don't tell her I told you. They would be her gifts to you later. And would you even imagine? She's already picking baby clothes! I mean, I told her we don't have that plan yet, but she's like, it will happen soon. Once I propose, and we become engaged, the marriage should happen in under a month she told me. No use prolonging it. Then, a cute little sapling would follow right after."

"Well, she's not wrong."

"What? Can you say that again?" Charlton asked again after he heard her words. His grin reaching his ears.

"I said, she's not wrong. I would love to marry you as soon as you propose. Then I also look forward to having a family with you." Serena said her voice filled with laughter.

Charlton continued to smile as he felt his chest expand in fullness. "I love you, Serena. Know that when that happens, there's nothing else in life I would ask for."

"I love you too. I miss you… I wish we can just be together this instance."

"I miss you too. I honestly want to go there now…" he said then sighed.

"It's okay. I know the situation, which reminds me, I tried to call you yesterday. Before Leonard left, he warned me to be careful and that I should also tell you that. He also said that we should limit our meetings and contact for the meantime as he thinks that Geoffrey is eyeing you."

"I will keep that in mind. Tell Leonard thanks for me when he comes back."

"Do you think he has an inkling about us? Why would he be eyeing you otherwise?"

"No, at least I hope not. I believe he's been eyeing me because of what I said to him during your graduation ceremony. He tried to invite me to his faction, but I declined. He must have been offended."

"I see. So… have you seen the invite for the ball hosted by duchess Ligeti next week?"

"Yes, in fact, I already sent my confirmation. Just thinking of the venue sure brings back good memories. I wonder if I would be lucky enough to see my lady love then."

Serena giggled, "Maybe."


After the two of them talked, Serena wrote her confirmation in response to the invite. Then, she went about her day. At night, she went back to her room and Mildred assisted her. She drank water before lying on the bed, then fell into a deep slumber.

Mildred went back to the room and checked on Serena. Confirming that she's sound asleep, she opened the window to look outside and give the signal.

Seeing the hooded figure going out of the car, she went down to let him in.



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