King Of Chaos

Chapter 111 Ch 111: Demon Emperor

The flame lits up the entire palace. As if the palace could feel the aura of life, the palace began to emit a faint glow, causing it to appear more and more mysterious.

Feeling everything here, Ye Xiao was very curious, what kind of place was this? There was actually such an ancient palace here? Could it be an ancient ruin?

Most importantly, he could feel something summoning him from inside when he was still outside the palace. However, now that he has entered the palace, that summoning power was gone. It was as if nothing was calling Ye Xiao, it was just him hallucinating.

But Ye Xiao knew, he was not hallucinating. There must be something that was trying to attract his attention.

When he thought of this, Ye Xiao's eyes were filled with anticipation.

As for the ruins, there were bound to be some peerless treasures. If he could obtain them, then it would be worth it.

Ye Xiao looked around and discovered that there was a fresco on the walls that looked very lifelike. Ye Xiao could not help but be attracted by the contents of the frescoes. He walked forward and stopped to take a look.

First of all, he was attracted by the three big words on the wall. These three big words named this hall as the Demon Emperor Hall!

What level of strength had this Palace Master reached? He actually dared to call himself an emperor?

Furthermore, it was the Demon Emperor!

Wait a minute.

Ye Xiao suddenly thought of Emperor Star Forest. He was also known as Emperor. Moreover, this Red Star Secret Realm was created by Emperor Star Forest. And here, other than the Red Star Peak where Emperor Star Forest once cultivated and the place with the highest chance of inheritance of Emperor Star Forest hidden, this abyss was hiding this palace. And the hall was called Demon Emperor Hall.

Could it be that this hall was really hiding a shocking secret? 

Anyway, whoever, this master of this palace was, that person must be a peerlessly talented character. If not, how would he dare call himself the Demon Emperor and even possess such a glorious palace?

Ye Xiao then looked at the contents of the fresco on the wall and was shocked the more he read.

The contents were generally about something in the era of Emperor Star Forest and the Demon Emperor.

Talking about Emperor Star Forest, he was born with the blessings of the Land of Morning Stars and became the most powerful person in his era. Later he established the Star Forest Region and rules the entire Land of Morning Stars from there. And there came a time when he even surpassed the Chaos Spirit Saint Realm. But one day, he decided to leave the Land of Morning Stars and wander in Chaos. Just like that, he disappeared.

This was what people outside generally knows.

However, the truth was something else that was completely hidden from the world.

How could a hero rise when there is no villain to face? How could a hero become ambitious and encouraged when there is no rival?

Demon Emperor was his rival.

Demon Emperor was born and rose to power in the same era as the Emperor Star Forest. However, unlike Emperor Star Forest, he was not born with the blessings of the Land of Morning Stars.

But even so, he achieved the impossible.

By going through countless life-and-death situations and experiencing hundreds of perilous moments, he comprehended the profound truth of the Dark Force and rose to supremacy.

There was a time when Demon Emperor envied Emperor Star Forest's luck and strength, but he never gave up. Slowly, with his own hard work, he became Emperor Star Forest's only rival.

And when he comprehended the Profound Truth of Dark Force, even Emperor Star Forest was no longer a match for Demon Emperor.

However, in the end, what Demon Emperor comprehended was the Profound Truth of Dark Force. This caused people to shun Demon Emperor. They feared Demon Emperor and tried to never cross paths with him.

If there was someone who truly talked with Demon Emperor, then it was Emperor Star Forest.

Seeing that people were avoiding him like a plague, Demon Emperor felt very sad in his heart. However, he also turned his soft heart into stone and began his reign.

He could have controlled the entire Land of Morning Stars if not for the sudden invasion of Heavenly Demons.

Yes, Heavenly Demons!

Heavenly Demons were once part of a Land, however, because of their dark nature and tendency to destroy everything, kill everyone, and swallow all to increase their own strength, they were jointly opposed by countless Lands and were expelled from their Land.

After that, they were banished from ever stepping on any Land again. If they are caught, their entire race would have been erased from existence by the joint forces of countless Lands.

It just so happened that the Land of Morning Stars was located in a secluded corner of endless chaos. Surrounding the Land of Morning Stars far far away was nothing but a dark void filled with berserk chaos energy. It was also not connected with any other Land out there.

This gave those few hundred thousand Heavenly Demons a chance to invade the Land of Morning Stars and devour it to grow stronger.

Unfortunately, there were two emperors they had to face. 

As a result, a decisive battle erupted with countless forces participating. Demon Emperor and Emperor Star Forest fought side by side.

Nevertheless, there were too many Heavenly Demons and their personal strength was far more terrifying than any other person of the same cultivation base.

The Land of Morning Stars started to lose.

Unfortunately, Heavenly Demons were too unlucky. They just happened to slaughter Demon Emperor's family and army which numbered in thousands. This infuriated Demon Emperor completely who in turn started attacking Heavenly Demons with all he got. In the end, he even started being affected by the Dark Force.

This worried Emperor Star Forest, he wanted to stop Demon Emperor. But he was not a match for the Demon Emperor.

Demon Emperor had already lost his reasons and even injured Emperor Star Forest when Emperor Star Forest tried to stop him.

He only stopped when he completely killed every single Heavenly Demon.

And until he came back to his senses, he was already deeply affected by the Dark Force. His vitality had been corrupted and he was dying.

Demon Emperor's reign ended so abruptly and he chose to retire. He entered the Demon Palace and never went out ever again.

Many years after the war against Heavenly Demons, Emperor Star Forest truly started his reign and it was then he ruled the entire Land of Morning Stars.

During his journey to become an emperor, Demon Emperor had made many enemies.

Now that Demon Emperor was down and on the verge of death, they entered the Demon Palace and started destroying it. They also searched through the entire Demon Emperor Hall in order to find the Demon Emperor's self-created cultivation technique that could lead them to surpass the limit of the Land of Morning Stars and become a Heavenly Saint. But they still could not find that legendary technique, and in the end, those various experts joined hands to destroy the Demon Emperor Hall as well.

If not for Emperor Star Forest's timely appearance, they would have destroyed the entire Demon Palace.

Well, one point to note was that Demon Emperor could not be found. As if he disappeared somewhere.

Although Demon Emperor fought for the Land of Morning Stars, because of his dark force and even more so because of the Demon Emperor going crazy during the battle, people who never accepted the Demon Emperor started loathing him even more.

In the end, Emperor Star Forest made a decision. He moved the entire Demon Palace into a secret realm he created for self-cultivation. At the same time, he banned people from talking about Demon Emperor.

This caused the next few generations to slowly forget about Demon Emperor. And just after a few million years, as if Demon Emperor never existed, the entire Land of Morning Stars forgot him.

Ye Xiao looked at the author of the story and was surprised to see Emperor Star Forest's name at the end.

It turned out that these words were written by Emperor Star Forest himself. And he himself admitted that he was not Demon Emperor's match.

Ye Xiao looked at the entire Demon Emperor Hall and could not help but sigh.

The glory of the past had come to an end so abruptly that it was impossible to believe. Most importantly, Demon Emperor was actually forgotten by all the people. It was really unbelievable.

Ye Xiao also wondered what kind of cultivation technique Demon Emperor must have cultivated that caused those various experts to destroy the Demon Emperor Hall just to look for it.

However, from a different point of view, it was clear that this cultivation technique was extremely heaven-defying. Otherwise, it would not have allowed so many peerless experts to compete for it at all costs.

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