Imperial CEO Sweet Sweet Love

Chapter 1799

In the ward, Mu Shanshan looks at the old man who is unconscious, and tears quickly fall out.

"Grandpa, I'm Shanshan!"

"What's the matter with you?" Murong Shanshan holds the old man's hand and asks with tears in her eyes.

"Shanshan." Murong Feng's hand on Murong Shanshan's shoulder, Wen Sheng said, "it's OK, Grandpa will wake up."

Murong Shanshan didn't speak. She cried.

"Shanshan." Murong Feng hugged her tightly. He looked at the old man, and then saw Murong Shanshan crying. He felt very sad.

"Grandpa is so kind to me, I haven't done a good job to him, so he fell asleep."

"Brother Feng, I want grandpa to wake up and accompany him."

Since she entered Murong group, she was busy with her work and didn't have so much time to accompany the old man.

Every time the old man called and asked her to go back to dinner, she was either socializing or working overtime.

I thought there would be a lot of time to accompany Grandpa, but I didn't expect that this time when he fell down, she realized how busy she used to be.

"I shouldn't be busy with my work all day. I don't even have time to eat and chat with him."

"Shanshan." Murong Feng knows that Murong Shanshan fell into work because of his relationship several years ago.

Sometimes she sees the old man once a week. When the old man calls, she just goes.

Murong Shanshan is better than himself.

Too many things keep them busy. Sometimes they have to admit those responsibilities and go, but in retrospect, what they owe most is their families.

"Look at Grandpa lying here, I'm afraid he will leave me." Murong Shanshan cried.

Her heart ached at the thought of the old man leaving.

"Grandpa is like the closest relative to me. He adopted me. Although I am not from Murong family, I always regard him as my grandfather. "

Murong Shanshan said and jumped into Murong Feng's arms.

Murong Feng reaches for Murong Shanshan's hair. Wrong, Shanshan, you are wrong. The person lying here is your only family member in the world.

He's not my grandfather. He's yours.

Murong Feng has always been very strange, why the old man is better to Murong Shanshan than to him and Murong Yu.

Not good for Murong Yu, he can understand. The old man hates Yao Jianluo, and naturally doesn't even like her son.

Even if Murong Yu entered Murong's house at the beginning, the old man was still indifferent to him.

So his?

The old man likes him, but also because of Murong Lian's relationship.

The appearance of Murong Shanshan made him feel that the man he liked most was not himself. When Shanshan arrived at Murong's house, the old man made the room with the best light for her, and even the decoration in the room was the best.

Usually, on their birthday, the old man asked the housekeeper to prepare. Only Murong Shanshan's was chosen by the old man himself.

On Murong Shanshan's birthday, the old man not only gave presents, but also made birthday noodles for Murong Shanshan when he was in good spirits. Even if he has more important work to do, he also leaves things to accompany Murong Shanshan.

In his eyes, Murong Shanshan is the most important.

Only in one thing, the old man did not follow Murong Shanshan, it was her marriage.

Murong Shanshan likes Murong Yu, but the old man chose him.

It's not so much that the old man selects his daughter-in-law for Murong Feng, as that the old man selects his son-in-law for Murong Shanshan.

There is no foster girl like Murong Shanshan.

Although Murong Shanshan is a adopted daughter, she has a higher status than him.

Some people said half of Murong Shanshan's bad words at the party, saying that she was just a adopted daughter and arrogant.

When the old man heard that, he immediately drove people out and dealt with the family financially.

Murong Shanshan married him, and the old man gave her half of the shares as dowry.

The most important thing to say is that Murong Yu's shares are back in the hands of the old man. Murong Feng thinks that the old man is reserved for Murong Lian.

How to say, Murong Lian is the son of the old man, no father does not love his son.

Who knows, the old man turned to Murong Shanshan, which is equivalent to giving Murong group to her.

When Murong Shanshan and Murong Feng said it, Murong Feng could smell something wrong.

The old man asked him to talk again. He pretended to talk about the shares.

The old man asked him, do you care?

Will he hate Shanshan because he gave her so many shares.

How is it possible?

For him, Murong Shanshan is more important than Murong group.

The old man was very pleased to hear his answer, "Fenger, I will give Shanshan to you."

This sentence completely reveals that the old man's feelings for Murong Shanshan are deeper than that of Murong Feng.

According to the truth, Murong Feng is his grandson, so he should say that he hopes Murong Feng and Murong Shanshan will have a good life."Grandpa!"

Murong Feng called him with doubts, "what's going on? Why do you give Murong group to Shanshan? It's because she is the son of your old friend. "

When the old man brought Murong Shanshan back to the Murong family, that's what he said to the outside world.

Is the old man very important in the heart of the old man?

But no matter how heavy it is, it won't let the old man give Murong group out.

"At that time, the dragon family was kind to the Murong family, and I raised such a son of a beast, so I gave you half of my shares."

Murong Feng recalled that when the old man said this, his eyes were full of sadness. When he turned to Murong Shanshan, his eyes lit up.

"But I have to leave the best for my granddaughter."


Murong Feng was shocked when he knew the secret. He looked down at Murong Shanshan who was crying in his arms.

Murong Shanshan is not the daughter of the old man. She is the most intimate person of the old man and the granddaughter of the old man.

Murong Lian is the son adopted by the old man.

"Many years ago, I was so angry with my wife that I didn't know she was pregnant."

"I deliberately didn't look for her news, and when she couldn't bear it outside, I turned back to beg me."

"In this way, year after year, it's too late for me to regret looking for her."

"I sent people to look for her whereabouts and many places. There was no news of her. Even I suspected that she was no longer alive. People don't know what is treasure until they lose it. "

"I didn't get a wife again. After I adopted Murong Lian, I didn't want his identity to be criticized. I said he was the son of me and a woman outside. Then one day, I got a call from my wife. " "She is very ill. I hurried to her place before I knew that she has been living where we first met. When I arrived, she also left. She didn't even find her last face. I think she wanted to see me before she died and go back to Beicheng. "

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