Immortality Starts With Generosity

Chapter 99: This Young Master Has No Answers

Chapter 99: This Young Master Has No Answers

How in the world did you get your hands on something like that?

Those were the first words Jiang Lei said to him after they had left the inn and gotten far enough away. They weaved between various alleys and into and out of crowds. While Jiang Lei said they werent being followed, it was still best to be careful.

Chen Haoran stashed his cloak in his storage bag while Jiang Lei still struggled to process what hed seen. In all my life, Ive never seen someone just casually pull out a 30-thousand-year-old spirit plant like that. Jiang Leis friendly older brother facade was gone now in favor of open shock.

So what I gave her was pretty valuable, huh? Chen Haoran asked. He left the Moonflower with Dreamwater. Despite being fully trained in appraising, per her words, she couldnt quote him a price for the spirit plant then and there and would have to refer it to her seniors. Hed get the starting price the day of the auction.

Pretty valuable? Jiang Lei sputtered. Do you really not know the value of what you handed over?

Chen Haoran waved his hand in a so-so motion. I know theoretically that its worth a lot, but not specifics.

So you dont know what its worth, and you still handed it over? Are you not afraid the Golden Lily Association will steal it? Jiang Lei asked.

He shrugged. If they do, then thats that. Itd be a shame, but Id move on. Besides, Id assume the Golden Lily Association wouldnt ruin their reputation like that. They make more money than what theyd get taking that flower.

And what if I decided to steal it then? Chen Haoran paused and looked at Jiang Lei, who merely smiled at him. Now that I know you have something that good, whos to say what else you have? I am the stronger of the two of us. It would be trivial for me.

It was a good question. Jiang Lei was essentially a stranger to him. At any time, he could decide to rip Chen Haorans storage bag off his waist, and thered be nothing he could do to stop him. But

I know you wouldnt do that, Chen Haoran said.

Jiang Lei raised an eyebrow in askance.

Were friends, arent we? Friends dont rob friends. And if you really wanted to rob me, you wouldnt be going through the potential risks with me.

Jiang Lei was silent for a moment as he studied Chen Haoran. Ultimately, he laughed and threw an arm over Chen Haorans shoulders. Of course were friends.

Chen Haoran, thankfully didnt flinch. Of course, every word he spoke was a damn lie. Rather than betting on this nonsense friendship Jiang Lei was pushing, he placed his faith that Jiang Leis other objective, which had him sticking near Chen Haoran, was more important. In a way, his inviting Jiang Lei to meet the Golden Lily Association attendant was part for security and part test. He might not know the true value of a 30-thousand-year-old Moonflower, but now he at least knew it wasnt worth enough for Jiang Lei to break face with him.

He was stirred out of his thoughts by Jiang Leis finger poking his chest. Are you really sure about selling it, though? Most would consider using a spirit herb that powerful for themselves.

Chen Haoran grabbed his finger and pushed it away. Use it for what? Im already at the peak of the Qi Realm. In any case, old or not, its just a Moonflower. I was in the mountains picking flowers like those for the girl I liked. Whatever benefit it has comes more from its age than the flower itself.

For someone who says he doesnt know the value of what he sold, you seem to have a pretty good idea of what its worth.

Chen Haoran rolled his eyes. Just the basics. What do you think? I dont know much about spirit herbs.

Well, natural spirit herbs that old are impossible to find. Youd be lucky to find anything over a thousand. Jiang Lei pursed his lips in thought. Almost impossible. There are stories of cultivators who ventured into the forbidden depths of the jungle coming back with plants that old, but that was a long time ago. The majority of powerful spirit herbs on the market are grown now.

Damn, they really wait 30 thousand years for plants to grow then? It said something about cultivators long-term planning if that were the case.

Heavens no. Thats insane. There are techniques and formations to help them grow. Some secret realms as well are beneficial for growing spirit herbs. Jiang Lei looked at Chen Haoran in surprise. You didnt think the age was literal, did you?

I told you I dont know anything about them.

Jiang Lei shook his head. I really dont know what to make of you. One moment I swear youre from some great power, and then the very next moment, you sound like some backwater cultivator.

Chen Haoran snorted. Thats precisely what I am.

Backwater cultivators dont have strong Earth-Rank cultivation methods or pull out insanely old spirit herbs. I swear on all the water in Zumulu, youre more important than youre letting on.

Well he wasnt wrong per se. Chen Haoran considered and decided it was worth the shot to ask. Have you heard of the Chen Family?

No, came Jiang Leis instant response. Should I? Theres a bunch of Chen families.

Chen Haoran felt a sense of deja vu. On the one hand, he expected it. On the other hand, he didnt know how to feel about Jiang Lei and Xie Jin having nearly the exact same answer. He was a bit sad Xie Jin wasnt here to meet Jiang Lei now.

Oh wait! Are you from that Chen Family?

Chen Haoran froze. Did he really know them?

Jiang Lei continued, oblivious. I think I remember a Liquid Meridian pirate gang down south calling themselves that. He narrowed his eyes at Chen Haoran. Youre not a pirate, are you?

Chen Haorans rush of emotion deflated. He thought back to the Crystal Transformation City Lord quivering in fear of his father Chen Qitaos name. He thought of Song Yuelin. Pirate didnt seem to cut it. No, he sighed. Im not a pirate.

Good, Jiang Lei cheered. I would have to arrest you if you were.

Right, Chen Haoran dryly said. He shrugged off Jiang Leis arm. Ill let you know when the auction is, and you can bring Wang Xiao with you.

Wait a minute. Jiang Lei grabbed his arm. Where do you think youre going?

Chen Haoran frowned. To make money?

Jiang Lei pointed at himself. What about my money?

Ah, right. He almost forgot about that. He thought for a moment and held up one finger.

One hundred thousand? Barely acceptable, I suppose. Jiang Lei didnt even blink, quoting such an outrageous number.

One percent of whatever the final bid of the Moonflower is.

This time Jiang Lei did blink. Well, Im not averse to being handed more money.

For your sake, I hope it gets a good price.

Oh, it will absolutely. Im already looking forward to it.

Enough to buy that Heaven-rank technique?

Jiang Lei hesitated. That you have a big appetite. As you said, its only a Moonflower.

I take it that being Five-Elements attribute makes the technique insanely valuable?

Jiang Lei once again looked at Chen Haoran with disbelief. Its the Five Elements, he said slowly as if he were a teacher explaining it to a child. It means that its not restricted by affinity and can be learned by anyone.

Chen Haoran let out a low whistle. Ill have to work harder then.

Youll be competing with every major power in the city then. Perhaps outside it as well. I dont think I have to tell you that Crystal Transformation Realms will be participating.

The Golden Lily Association really pulled out all the stops, huh? Chen Haoran considered competing, but if the Moonflower couldnt get him the funds he needed, so be it. Even for him, it would be a bit too much to show up with another 30-thousand-year-old plant to auction.

Ive never heard of anything like this before, Jiang Lei said. This might end up being the biggest auction in Zumulu. I just dont know why such a powerful Heaven-rank technique showed up. He furrowed his brows. Were lucky its just a movement technique. Thered be a bloodbath if it were a cultivation method.

Bloodbath, huh? He couldnt help but recall the last Golden Lily Auction hed participated in. In a way, that auction involved a bloodbath as well. Lan Fen had auctioned a powerful wood treasure to feed the paranoia against the Lan Family, which led to their demise in the end. Political, maybe? he muttered subconsciously.

What was that?

Forget it, Chen Haoran said, shaking his head. At the end of the day, it didnt matter what the reasons were.

He just had to prepare for the auction.

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