Immortal Path Space

Chapter 365: Python-Serpent Pill

Chapter 365: Python-Serpent Pill

As they pushed through the horde of Demonic Beasts, hundreds of cultivators fell prey to the claws of these creatures, leaving countless injured in their wake.

During their pursuit, they had to break through several more waves of beastly obstacles until they finally spotted the second defensive line in the distance.

In front of them, on various mountain ranges, stood a majestic city wall that stretched for dozens of yards.

However, even though they could faintly see it now, the distance that separated them was vast. What was more concerning was that countless Demonic Beasts had already gathered before the second defensive line.

These Demonic Beasts were stationed right in front of the second defensive line, launching attacks several times a day, slowly depleting the strength of the human cultivators who defended it.

Leading the charge was Wen Lan, who frowned as he gazed at the densely packed horde of Demonic Beasts below the second defensive line.

At this point, they were at a point of no return. They had to press forward, even if it meant doing so with grim determination.

If they were overtaken by the Demonic Beasts from behind and sandwiched between them and those in front of the defensive line, there would be no escape for them.

Pushing forward might still carve out a path to survival. If the cultivators on the defensive line opposite them took the opportunity to attack the Demonic Beasts, their chances of success would increase.

"Zhu Duan! I entrust East Master to you. Make sure to safely take him back!" Luo Zhongjie transferred Wang Hong onto Zhu Duan's back. Zhu Duan was one of Wang Hong's loyal guards, someone they could trust completely.

"Luo Senior Brother! Take care!" Zhu Duan shouldered Wang Hong, his expression complex.

He understood the unspoken message in Luo Zhongjie's words. There were tasks that had to be carried out, and everyone had their role to play.

"Prepare yourselves, in ten breaths' time, follow me and charge forward. We must carve a path through this bloodbath!" Hearing Luo Zhongjie's command, everyone knew that after this grueling journey, they had finally reached the decisive moment.

At this moment, the remaining few hundred people, exhausted as they were, had unwavering determination in their eyes. There was no fear left, only the courage to advance relentlessly.

Through the baptism of continuous battles, every survivor had undergone a profound transformation.

Now, as they ran, they quickly consumed the Spirit Wine they had prepared for this moment, replenishing their depleted Spiritual Energy.

Only those who had joined Wang Hong still had Spirit Wine left. Qi Shaoqing's Spirit Wine had run out, and at this point, his Spiritual Power was almost depleted, with his Daoist Robe in tatters.

"Wen Lan, stay close to Zhu Duan and ensure East Master's safety!"

"Don't worry, East Master is in my hands. Unless all of us perish, no one will lay a finger on East Master."

Wen Lan's voice was resolute, his gaze unwavering.

"Fellow Daoists, we are currently facing formidable enemies in the front and relentless pursuers from behind. We can only overcome this ordeal by working together.

As a gesture of goodwill, on behalf of the East Zhou caravan, I offer each of you a bottle of Spirit Wine for recovery. I hope we can unite in sincerity."

Simultaneously, Wen Lan retrieved some bottles of wine and handed them to a nearby team member to distribute among the group.

At this moment, enhancing someone else's strength was akin to bolstering their own.

Luo Zhongjie looked at the dwindling few hundred survivors, took a swig from a bottle of Spirit Wine, tightened his grip on his Long Spear, and sped up as he charged forward.

Behind him, fifty Foundation Building cultivators followed closely, forming a wedge formation.

On the city wall of the second defensive line, several cultivators were lethargically observing the continuous sea of Demonic Beasts across from them. The days of unceasing battles had left everyone thoroughly fatigued.

Suddenly, a startling voice cut through the air: "Everyone, look! There seems to be commotion behind the Beast Tide!"

Upon hearing this voice, all eyes turned towards the rear of the Beast Tide.

Sure enough, chaos had erupted behind the Beast Tide, but due to the distance, nobody could discern the details of what was happening.

"Could it be that there are cultivators attacking the Demonic Beast horde from behind?" someone speculated.

"How is that possible? Look at the countless Demonic Beasts down there. Who would be so reckless as to attack from behind at a time like this?" another person immediately countered.

"Maybe it's some survivors retreating from the first defensive line?"

"That's even more unlikely. Besides the few who returned on the first day, we haven't seen anyone else come back from the first defensive line."

The chaos continued to unfold at the rear of the Demonic Beast horde. At this moment, a cultivator on the city wall produced a mirror, and after offering it as a sacrifice, it expanded to about thirty feet in size and floated in the air.

With this mirror, they could clearly observe the distant events.

As this mirror was deployed, other cultivators on the city wall turned their heads to watch.

"Ah! There really are people attacking the horde from the rear!"

"I reckon this group has only a few hundred members, yet they're this audacious!"

"Haha! There are always people who underestimate the situation."

While the cultivators on the city wall watched and made casual remarks, Luo Zhongjie led his group of fifty people forward, all of whom possessed high-level Body Refining cultivation.

Their battles against the Demonic Beasts were now straightforward and brutal, devoid of any finesse. Each strike was a matter of life and death.

After continuous intense combat, their equipment had sustained damage, and the Spiritual Weapon armor they wore was in tatters.

As they slew Demonic Beasts, blood splattered on them, covering them as if they had been dipped in a bucket of blood, with fragments of flesh and internal organs.

Just then, a white Tier-Three Tiger appeared in front of them, blocking their path. A slight delay would lead to them being completely surrounded.

In that critical moment, ten individuals from the group each swiftly took out a pill and swallowed it without hesitation.

As they consumed the pills, their aura skyrocketed, and they burst into maniacal laughter.

"Hahaha! Beast! Today, you'll learn the true meaning of ferocity."

"Brothers, go ahead without me!"

The ten individuals suddenly increased their speed several times over and pounced on the Tier-Three Tiger ahead of them.

The White Tiger attempted to strike, but it was immediately seized by all four limbs by the ten individuals, who exerted force simultaneously, tearing the Tier-Three Tiger into several pieces.

A Tier-Three Demonic Beast was slain in an instant.

This scene left all the cultivators on the city wall speechless.

"What... what's going on? What kind of pill did they just swallow to become so powerful?" one cultivator exclaimed in astonishment.

"If I'm not mistaken, that should be the legendary Python-Serpent Pill."

"I wonder about the origin of this Python-Serpent Pill. How can it be so effective?" another cultivator's eyes sparkled with curiosity.

"There's nothing to envy about. The herbs required to make this kind of pill are extremely rare and hard to come by. But most importantly, taking the Python-Serpent Pill consumes everything within the cultivator, including Spiritual Power, vitality, essence, and even their lifespan. In the end, it guarantees certain death."

[Read at /shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]

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