I'm A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 377: 376 The Grand Finale! (Finished!)

Chapter 377: Chapter 376 The Grand Finale! (Finished!)


Grand laws peeled off from the bodies of many Supremes.

Jointly integrated by five Supremes, they entered Du Gang one by one, slowly.

“Calm the qi, consolidate the spirit.”

After being reminded by a Supreme, the confused Du Gang, immediately followed suit.

In fact, he doesn’t need to do anything. Other Supremes have already deduced this countless times.

They know exactly what to do and don’t need Du Gang to think about it at all.

The laws of the five Supremes are filled with the essence of the source. The numerous other laws are all derived from these primary laws.

With the spellcasting of the five Supremes, each law traced back to its origin, and, accordingly, followed the primary laws.

In just the time it takes to brew a pot of tea, all the laws integrated into one and formed an equilateral trapezoidal object with a wide base and a narrow top.

“Unify the Laws!”

Pangu Supreme roared, and everyone cooperatively started to fuse the many laws within Du Gang according to the pre-determined plan.




At this moment, heaven and earth rumbled, and all things trembled.

The union of all laws, something that has never happened in this world before.

Nobody knew what would happen once all the laws merged into one.


The laws at the bottom of the trapezoid began to melt first, like a liquid, it began to merge upwards.

Third-level laws covered second-level laws, and second-level laws covered first-level laws.

From the surface, it seemed as if there were more third-level laws and second-level laws merging with the first-level laws.

But in reality, the first-level law is more like a core, continuously absorbing the energy of the second and third-level laws.


A Supreme of the third-level law completely released his laws and fell to the ground due to energy loss.

Not only him, many powerful Supremes also fell to the ground like ordinary people.

All their vitality has completely disappeared, they look very pale, but their faces are filled with smiles and look up at the sky with hope.

In the sky, the third-level laws have completely merged into the second-level laws, and the second-level laws are merging into the first-level laws even more decisively.

Another pot of tea later, the Supremes who mastered the second-level laws also fell to the ground one after another.

Like the many third-level Supremes, they were weak, but their eyes were bright and full of light, looking at the person floating in the sky.


At this moment, the vitality of the five Supremes reached an unprecedented height. Without any hesitation, they quickly moved to fuse all the laws they have absorbed and mastered into Du Gang.


At this moment, Du Gang felt as if he had become a black hole, with an infinite amount of energy and laws rushing into his body.

These were secondary, the most important thing was that the experiences and mastery that each Supreme had gained over years of cultivation were being poured into his soul.


Many rules and laws he had never cultivated before were now all in his grasp.

Moreover, as the five primary laws of the five Supremes poured into his body, these third-level and second-level laws gradually transformed from chaos into an organized system.

These derivative laws, all splintered from the primary five-element source, ultimately fall under the governance of the five elements, which can be regarded as normal.

“What kind of Dao will be formed when all Daos are united?”

Roho murmured to himself, very curious.

Pangu smiled, “I don’t know, but it’s definitely better than now!”

The five of them, now all lying on the ground, looking up at the sky, waiting quietly for Du Gang’s transformation.


As many laws merged into the laws of the five elements, the world’s five elements finally became complete.

Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth started a cycle inside Du Gang’s body, promoting and restraining each other.

The reunion of the five elements, annihilation, and rebirth coexist.

It was a unique state, as if life and death were occurring at the same time.

At this moment, Du Gang had a different feeling.

He… witnessed the world!

Through the Dao of all worlds, he saw the entire world clearly.

This was a unique perspective, as if he had countless incarnations, all of them were air, silently watching the entire myriad worlds.

With the integration of all the laws in the world, the Abyss and Heaven, totally lost control.

At this moment, from the deepest parts of the Earth, the endless Demon Clan began to invade.

The Immortals broke the heavenly dome and entered the ground from the outside skies.

Countless people lost their lives at this moment.

The entire continent plunged into the darkest hour.

All these were bound to happen, they were merely brought forward through deliberations by the Supremes.

The aim was to seek that single thread of life.

“Du Gang, it’s all up to you…”

The Supreme murmured to himself, now pinning all his hopes on Du Gang.

Not only him, but everyone present shared the same sentiment.

If it wasn’t for this belief, they wouldn’t have been planning for so long.

“The enemy has invaded!!!”

Du Gang mumbled.

In a special state, he could clearly see the situation across all realms.

Over the Primordial Continent, visible to the naked eye were numerous members of the Demon Clan and immortals mounting their invasion.

And in the invisible perspective, countless small worlds were infiltrated by the ghostly tendrils.

Just like once he had seen in the Pangu memory, as if a monstrous creature was devouring the entire world.

But he knew, this was a virus clearance mechanism.

What’s being cleared was the entire world, the entire human race!

“Merge the Dao!”

Never before had Du Gang desired to merge the Dao this much.

He let out a roar, launching into action.

Began forcibly merging the Five Elements Dao.


The sound of the Heavenly Dao resonated.

At this moment, Du Gang ‘saw’ the Heavenly Dao.

Invisible, colorless, formless.

Though it was void of any physical form, devoid of self-consciousness, appeared all around him, it conveyed certain information.

Merging the Dao, requires him!

Du Gang got it.

The key to merging the Dao was not just the Dao of all realms, but also the cooperation of Heavenly Dao.

The Heavenly Dao, the law of all the realms in the world.

Without the Heavenly Dao, would the world still be a world?

Du Gang didn’t know, yet he had no time to contemplate at the current moment.

What he could do was, carrying the hope of everyone, fuse the Heavenly Dao and Dao of all realms together.

As for the outcome, he didn’t know!


This time, the Five Elements Dao which were originally incompatible under the integration of the Heavenly Dao, began to merge.

Du Gang’s cultivation, at this moment, began to skyrocket.

Early Supreme!

Mid Supreme!

Late Supreme!

Supreme Peak!

In the blink of an eye, he reached the level of five Supremes.

Not an end!

With the integration of the Heavenly Dao, his cultivation was still growing non-stop.

He was moving towards a direction unknown to him.

The laws he mastered had reached a terrifying extent.


When the quantity reached a certain point, a qualitative change took place.

Du Gang clearly felt that he had entered a completely new realm.

It was a realm that no one had ever reached before.

All Dao, Heavenly Dao, at this moment, merged entirely into him.

His current state was extremely special, he could control Heavenly Dao.

Or rather, he had embodied Heavenly Dao.


At this moment, Chaos, without the resistance of Dao of all realms, without the obstruction of Heavenly Dao, finally invaded in front of him.

All realms were thoroughly eroded at this moment.

The Chaos had accomplished what he always wanted to do, utterly eradicated the human virus.

No, there was still one person left.


Du Gang waved his hand.

The power of the Heavenly Dao surged, and the mighty chaos energy froze before him.

Gazing at the equally unconscious, endless chaos, Du Gang was lost.

What should I do?

This world, having become the way it is, what should I do to save it?

Reviving humanity, he could do that. Ever since he took control of the Heavenly Dao, all the imprints of human souls existed within it.

As long as he wanted, he could easily bring humans back to life.

But what about afterwards?

Would he still do as the five Supremes did, initiate a big bang of the universe, open up chaos, and use a life for a life?

A life for a life…

Du Gang shook his head.

He didn’t want to do that!

No one, upon their birth, should die for someone else.

Nor should anyone, upon their birth, deservedly enjoy life.

But, if they don’t do that, how can humanity be revived?

Could it be that he, alone, would be left drifting aimlessly in this lifeless chaos?

Du Gang went silent.

He decided to take a look!

He had never once seen this chaos.

Reading thousands of books, traveling thousands of miles, he wanted to observe this chaos before deciding what to do.

Du Gang left that place.

Or you could say, upon merging with the Heavenly Dao, the Yang realm ceased to exist.

All things were enveloped by the chaos, treated like a virus, and utterly obliterated.




Du Gang didn’t know how long he had been walking.

All he could see was the chaos, devoid of any life force.

All he could hear was the sounds he made himself, no other sounds were present.

Is this kind of world really okay?

He didn’t understand, why the chaos sought to eradicate all worlds, why the chaos regarded humans as viruses to be cleaned out.

He walked for an endless era.

Walking till he completely forgot about time.

But, he still couldn’t escape from the chaos.

It was equally dark, empty, and lonely as always.

“Chaos! What exactly are you?!”

Du Gang muttered to himself, standing in the midst of chaos, his face filled with confusion.

No meaning!

Chaos, there was no meaning to it!

He, too, had no meaning!

He didn’t know the answer, and nobody could tell him the answer.

“This world… originally had no meaning…”

Du Gang didn’t know how long it had been when he finally drew this conclusion.

He could not find the end of chaos, could not find other living beings, and could not find the meaning of existence.

The moment he merged with the Heavenly Dao, he was no longer simply a life form.

He had completely turned into something without death, without meaning.

“Then… where does the Heavenly Dao come from?”

Du Gang was perplexed. He didn’t know, before the birth of all worlds, where did this Heavenly Dao come from?

Could the Heavenly Dao be a product from outside the chaos?

But, for so long, he had never perceived anything outside of chaos.

Given his level, if he couldn’t perceive it, it could almost certainly be classified as nonexistent.

“Heavenly Dao…”

Du Gang suddenly burst out laughing.

“Heavenly Dao, you are a product of chaos…”

Ever since he merged with the Heavenly Dao, he had never been attacked by the chaos again.

This meant that, in the eyes of chaos, he, or the Heavenly Dao to be more precise, was not a virus!

But the All-worlds created by the Heavenly Dao, and the humans it created, were, however, viruses in the eyes of chaos.


Du Gang was deeply perplexed, he didn’t understand.

Why would chaos create the Heavenly Dao, have the Heavenly Dao create all the worlds, and then have chaos destroy all those worlds?

“What should I do?”

At this moment, Du Gang felt that he somehow let down everyone.

The five Supremes, all the numerous Supremes, they trusted him so much, they firmly believed that he could save the world.

But at this moment, he was utterly clueless.


He suddenly remembered what Pangu had told him before.

“All the gifts of fate, already have a marked price in the dark!”




He muttered to himself, falling into some kind of deep contemplation.

Reviving the humanity, rebuilding the All-worlds, he could do it.

After merging with the Heavenly Dao, he could do that.

But after doing that, the world would still be the original world, and chaos would still eradicate the viruses.

That would be contradicting the original intent of everyone, contradicting his innermost feelings.

He didn’t want people dying for others without knowing why.

“Is this fair?”

He shook his head.

The purpose Pangu, or more specifically, the five Supremes had in choosing him.

He was born on the edge of the chaotic domain, belonging to those destined to replace others in death.

“Some people, the moment they are born, their fate is already sealed, some people, no matter how hard they try, they can never change…”

He was reminiscing, reminiscing about his entire past life.

Reminiscing about Earth where he once lived, reminiscing about every bit of the past.

“We should be more worried about inequity than about scarcity.”

Chaos, he couldn’t change.

Meaning, he couldn’t find.

The only thing he could do then, was to create a world that, in his heart, was absolutely ideal.

“The answer… had been given to me long ago!”

Du Gang started laughing.

Pangu and the others had already given him a hint.

They had told him two terms.

“The Yin realm, the Yang realm!”

“So, the Yin realm on the outside faces the chaos, while the Yang realm on inside experiences life?!”

Du Gang understood, he knew what he had to do now.

He wanted to create a fair world, a world with both Yin and Yang.

A world where a person lives in the Yang realm experiencing life, and goes to the Yin realm to sacrifice their life upon death.

A fair six-path cycle of reincarnation.

Everyone, after making their own decisions, will determine their own path.

There’s no right or wrong, no yes or no, only choices.

Everyone, absolutely fair, has both life and death. This rule, will be absolutely fair to everyone.

The world he am going to create, will no longer have cultivators, will no longer have immortals.

The six-path cycle of reincarnation, absolutely fair.

How you treat it, will determine how it treats you in the future.

Du Gang showed a smile.

“This is going to be…an interesting world!”

“Living as a person, maybe pointless, but every action you take, has a point!”

“Because, Heaven is watching!”

(The End)

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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