I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 1068: Dark Magical Circle and Sea Stealth Attack

Chapter 1068: Dark Magical Circle and Sea Stealth Attack

Yuei Vu knew that the Supreme King was not bluffing. As the eldest brother of the Elemental HEROes, Absolute Zero's strongest point was his "Total Monster Destruction" ability.

But unfortunately, Malicious Bane had absolute resistance to destruction. No matter how many times Brother Absolute Zero jumped back and forth, it was impossible to deal with it.

"…Then it's my turn, draw."

"At this moment." The moment the words on the electronic display of the Duel Disk switched to "Standby Phase", Supreme King raised his hand to interrupt, "The effect of ‘D.D. Crow' in the hand is activated.

Discard ‘D.D. Crow' from the hand and a card in the opponent's graveyard is removed from the game.

And this effect can also be activated during the opponent's turn."

The card was pushed into the graveyard, and the black crow had already flown out. It flapped its wings and rushed into the dark vortex opened on the ground. When it flew out, its sharp beak had already caught a red trap card.

"The trap card ‘Magician Navigation'." Supreme King said dryly, "When this card is in the graveyard, it can negate the effects of any Spell/Trap, right?

It is indeed a very powerful interference effect, so just in case, let me remove it in advance."

"Another card I gave you." Yuei Vu shrugged.

He really felt that Judai, a good sunny boy, was led astray by him, so that even after he awakened, Supreme King's style continued to go astray, and he stuffed so many painful hand traps that only a real card guy would stuff.

But it also proved from the side that his teaching was indeed successful.

Thinking back to the original work, when Supreme King woke up, he basically replaced Judai's entire deck. Things like Neos or Neo-Spacians were all kicked out and not used, and all the related Spells and Traps were replaced with Supreme King's special edition.

Some Normie Elemental HEROes were still used, but that's because they were Fusion Material for the big monsters which have also been replaced by "Evil HEROes". It was basically a completely new deck that was completely unrelated to the past Judai.

But now Yuei Vu deeply suspected that when the soul of the Supreme King awakened, he took over Judai's deck and saw so many various hand traps, grave traps, and nether red traps represented by "Karma Cut". This king of the other world may have pondered for a long time and finally concluded that the nether cards were really good.

"You actually solved my Magician Navigation in advance. You have really grown a lot, Judai." Yuei Vu looked at his cold golden pupils.

The Supreme King still had a dead face, and it seemed that nothing could touch him except winning or losing.

"But I also said, don't underestimate your teacher."

Yuei Vu's eyes turned cold, and his sight seemed to spark with the invisible blade shot out from the golden pupils of the Supreme King.

"Spell Card ‘Akashic Record'! Draw two cards from the deck, and if there is a card that has been played in this duel so far, it must be removed from the game." (Animation card)

"Then activate the Spell Card ‘Monster Reborn' from my hand." Yuei Vu said, "Special Summon 1 monster in any graveyard. I want to revive this card…"

Yuei Vu took a card from his graveyard.

"Resurrect the ‘Magician of Dark Illusion' in the graveyard."

The magic circle spun open, and the black-robed wizard flew out, flipped gorgeously, and landed lightly. His face was pitch black under the robe, and his eyes hidden in the darkness flashed like ghost fire.

[Magician of Dark Illusion, ATK 2100]

Supreme King remembered something: "That magician…"

"That's right," Yuei Vu said, "Magician of Dark Illusion can be treated as a ‘Dark Magician' when it is on the field.

Then at this moment, the effect of ‘Dark Magical Circle' is triggered again! When a Dark Magician is Normal or Special Summoned successfully, banish a card on the opponent's field."

Yuei Vu raised his hand: "Remove ‘Evil HERO Malicious Bane' from the game!"

The magic circle was activated again. This was the top clearing spell of the Dark Magic series. If combined with the Dark Magician, it had the powerful power to exile cards in both your turn and the opponent's turn. As a Continuous Spell, it could be used every turn.

"Is that the idea?" Supreme King was calm, "But it's useless. Open the set card: Trap Card – Dust Tornado! Destroy 1 Spell/Trap the opponent controls.

Destroy ‘Dark Magical Circle'!"

The storm carried the fallen leaves, and the airflow was like a whip that pulled the Continuous Spell away in the air.

Although the magic array was a powerful top-level spell of dark magic, its characteristic as a Continuous Spell was also its weakness. Once the Continuous Spell was destroyed, the effect could no longer be resolved, and the process of banishing the card would naturally not continue.

But Yuei Vu had a countermeasure: "Then at this moment, I will banish ‘Elemental HERO Absolute Zero' to activate the effect of ‘Sea Stealth Attack'!

Until the end of this turn, face-up Spells/Traps I control cannot be destroyed by the opponent's card effects!"

As soon as the voice fell, the trap was triggered. Absolute Zero once again disappeared in the vortex of water, turning into a light blue protective layer that covered all the spells and traps that were opened on Yuei Vu's field.

Of course, this also included the "Dark Magical Circle".

"Use the cooperation of Sea Stealth Attack and Absolute Zero to cover the operation of Dark Magical Circle!" Aster said excitedly.

Mankoume also saw the power of it: "As the strongest spell of the Dark Magic series, Dark Magical Circle's biggest weakness that it is easily stopped by various typhoons.

But the ‘Sea Stealth Attack' tactic centered on the ‘Absolute Zero' not only has unlimited destructive power but also can provide protection for the backcourt."

"In other words, with this lineup, Mr. Yuei Vu can use the power of ‘Absolute Zero' to sweep the entire field every turn, whether it is the opponent's turn or his own turn, and can constantly remove any card from the game through the effect of the ‘Dark Magical Circle'.

Not only that, it can even protect the Dark Magical Circle and Sea Stealth Attack itself from being destroyed at the same time."

Aster clenched his fists.

It is simply an invincible lineup!

"As expected, I was waiting for this effect."

The Supreme King said calmly, and another backcourt turned over in this lightning moment.

"Quick-Play Spell ‘Malice Dispersion'!" The Supreme King sent a card to the graveyard and said coldly, "Discard 1 card; destroy all face-up Continuous Traps on the field!"

"Oh?" Yuei Vu raised his eyebrows.

The two onlookers also understood instantly.

"Is he waiting for Principal Yuei Vu to use the effect of ‘Sea Stealth Attack' on purpose?"

The order of processing the effects of Yu-Gi-Oh cards was always "the effect that is activated last resolve first". Therefore, if the Supreme King directly played the "Malice Dispersion" in his hand, Yuei Vu would chain that effect with the effect of "Sea Stealth Attack" to protect himself.

But if other means were used to make Yuei Vu use "Sea Stealth Attack" first, and then the Supreme King chained to this effect with "Malice Dispersion", then "Sea Stealth Attack" would be destroyed before it could take effect.

Not only that, as a Continuous Trap, "Sea Stealth Attack" had the same weakness as the Continuous Spell "Dark Magical Circle". If it was removed from the field after effect activation but before resolution, the activated effect would resolve without effect.

In other words, the protection of "Sea Stealth Attack" on "Dark Magic Array" would also be invalid.

The lineup was broken.

The Spell and the Trap were both hit, and were lifted into the air from Yuei Vu's field and shattered into golden powder.

"And the card I just discarded is ‘Card of Compensation'." Supreme King said indifferently, "When this card is sent from my hand to the Graveyard, draw two cards."

"Even this lineup was broken." Aster was a little frustrated.

This made him seem to recall the deep feeling of powerlessness when he faced Supreme King in person just now, as if he was looking up at a mountain.

But Yuei Vu seemed very calm.

"So there is a typhoon in the backfield? But this means you only have one card left in your backfield." Yuei Vu said, "That card shouldn't be a typhoon, right?"

Supreme King: "…"

Aster's mind moved.

Could it be that even the iron wall formation just now was just a feint by Yuei Vu-sensei?

"Activate the Continuous Spell ‘Card of Safe Return' from my hand!"

Another green card appeared in front of Yuei Vu.

"When a monster in the graveyard is revived on the field, draw three cards from the deck."

There was no movement in the backfield of Supreme King.

It seemed that the remaining card was not a typhoon.

"And at this moment, the effect of ‘Magician of Dark Illusion' on the field is activated!" Yuei Vu said, "While Magician of Dark Illusion is face-up on the field, if I activate a Spell/Trap Card or effect, I can revive 1 ‘Dark Magician' in the graveyard.

Come back to the field again, Dark Magician!"

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