Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 107: Have I indulged you too much recently?

Chapter 107: Have I indulged you too much recently?

Chapter 107 Have I indulged you too much recently?

The maids looked at the sudden arrival of Shangguan Ling and were filled with joy. They all showed their most beautiful sides: "Master, good morning!"

Everyone get out.

The maids were stunned for a moment, "Master, you...?"

"Get out of here, don't you understand?" The man's eyes were cold, and there was a dark and angry look on his handsome face.

The maids were so frightened that they all fell silent, bowed their heads humbly, and left the yard.

Arriving at the door of the little lunatic's bedroom, Shangguan Ling held the doorknob with one hand and twisted it hard.

The bedroom door was pushed open, and the little lunatic lying on the bed was still asleep.

After she escaped through the window for the first time, the window had been sealed from the outside, and the bedroom was so dark that no light could be seen.

Only a faint light penetrated into the bedroom from the open doorway.


Shangguan Ling turned on the light with one hand.

The lights came on, and Su Fu subconsciously raised her hands to cover her eyes.

Shangguan Ling walked to the bedside with long legs and threw the medicine bottle in her hand on her.

The medicine bottle hit Su Fu's stomach, and she curled up in pain.

Youyou opened her eyes and saw this evil star, and Su Fu suddenly felt bad.

Young Master Shangguan came here early in the morning, whats the matter?

Your medicine.

Sophie lowered her head and glanced at the medicine bottle that rolled aside. She reached out and took it in her hand. She raised her eyes and asked, "Can you leave now?"

Don't disturb her sleep.

She is not just a cat or a dog. When he is in a good mood, he will wave and tease her.

When he was in a bad mood, he turned his back on the person and threw them away.

She can't walk now because her throat and face haven't healed yet.

If one day, her throat and face are cured...

She will definitely leave this hellish place at all costs!

Soph didnt know how long she would have to wait for that day.

She didnt even know whether that day would come.

Shangguan Ling raised the corners of his lips, his eyes were cold and full of meaning, "Are you chasing me?"

You can also understand it this way.

Its ridiculous, the clothes you are wearing now and the bed you are lying on now, which one of them is not mine?

Su Fu sat up and the silk quilt slid down her chest following her movements. "So, do you want me to take off my clothes and give them back to you?"

Shangguan Ling sneered, "It's enough to come here early in the morning to make her angry!"

Get out of here!

Shangguan Ling slammed the door and left.

Standing in the yard, Shangguan Ling took a deep breath and really wanted to strangle this little lunatic to death.

Soph put on her clothes, walked to the yard unhurriedly, and stood in front of him with an expressionless face.

You are mute and cant call anyone?

There was a tightness in her chest, Shangguan Ling just wanted to cause trouble for her.

Without any reason, just to make things difficult for her.

"Master, what are your orders?" Su Fu asked casually, very casually.

Is this your attitude?

I dont know whether to live or die!

Su Fu straightened her expression and said, "Master, if you are in a bad mood and want to vent your anger on someone, please find someone else. Don't implicate me, who is innocent."


She still has the nerve to say she is innocent?

Little madman, have I indulged you too much recently and made you forget who you are? Shangguan Ling had a thousand ways to kill her.

But he has been reluctant to take action.

This stinking and hard temper is really irritating!

"I haven't forgotten, I'm a servant." Su Fu raised her hand and pointed to her head: "I've recorded it here."

Shangguan Ling sneered, "Now tell me, is your attitude the one a servant should have?"

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