Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 173: Prep For War; Camping (P3)

Chapter 173: Prep For War; Camping (P3)

"This! This was your brilliant plan, Asher!" Anselm scolds, something he hasn't done in some time.

He isn't the only one that's unhappy with the deal I've brokered, the Mayor and the Warriors long since receded into the village, safe behind their walls. They've even gone as far as to put out the pyres of fire. 

The Mayor really wants me gone.

Juri may not voice it, but the look on his face shows that he's worried, and likely for the same reasons Anselm is putting down.

"There may be fifty of them but like you said just a second ago, they have no experience fighting monsters, none of us do. We're fighting an unknown enemy here Asher!"

Anselm doesn't stop there, "Even if you manage to hold your own against the monsters, that doesn't apply to Juri and his men, it certainly doesn't apply to Piol."

Piol was the most out of it; as the leader of his scouting group, he was the one chosen to remain behind with me and represent the people of Demme is thisexperiment.

His comrades didn't bother hiding their relief at not being included in the insanity. It's their loss, they're missing out on witnessing first hand how I defeat these monsters they're so frightened of.

As I pay little attention to Anselm's yelling, Juri walks up to me, he's taken off most of his armour now as the camp set up is up now.

"Milord, if you would permit me to ask"

I nod, "Yes, what is it?"

"We, with you as our lead, we could surely break down these walls and seize control of this village, their warriorthey do not seem too powerful, at least, compared to you and the men."

I chuckle, "Yes, I have given that route some thought."

He looks thoroughly confused, "Then why? What stops us from pursuing it? We are with you, Milord!"

I'm not sure if this is because Aste is a city and different standards are set for the rulers of cities and above, but Juri seems very loyal. 

And not at all the loyalty that Anselm has spoken of in the past, not the knightly, honour bound loyaltyno. He is loyal to the title and power I hold.

Juri isn't anything like Leon in Frozia, Leon has that trait of knightly loyalty, one that would take him to follow Matthias even if he wasn't the Mayor of Frozia. Which is why he even bothered to protest against me when I barged in and took charge.

He was protecting not just Matthias, but what Matthias held dear, the title.

Juri, Juri isn't like that, but that's fine. Knightly loyalty or no, I just need loyalty.

"I have other ideas for getting what I want, Juri. Remember I'm not just here for another bit of territory, I'm here for the future drill masters of my army, they're just being a little bit stubborn."

"You mean like you?" Anselm sneers.

"Perhaps." I mutter, a smile on my face as I feel something slither up my leg. "Shacowhat do you have for me?"

Juri is a bit startled by the appearance of a snake on my shoulders and even more so when it begins to speak.

"I've done asss you asssked, Masster." 

"What did you have him do, Asher?"

I only smile and nod at Shaco.

"As you suspected, the village is full of corpses, the Mayor's residence was not guarded, in fact, it was free to enter. But as you must have seen, there was a shrine of sorts, a temple to somebeing and that is where the freshest bodies have been kept."

"Bodies? What is the beast talking about?" Juri sounds panicked, still having a hard time adjusting to my talking to a snake, btu far better than most have taken it. I suppose there are perks to serving a Mage.

"Relax, Juri, I just had Shaco investigate somethings while we were talking to the Mayor and the Warriors, there are a lot of bodies I can use as undead in this village."

Narrowing his eyes at me, Anselm begins to piece things together, "Waityou're going to cast Raise the Dead to start a breach from within the city!"

I grin, "Uh, no."


"That would be the plan but, I'm sticking to what I said earlier. I'm going to get his people to turn on him first. The horde of undead suddenly appearing in their midst plan, well, we'll leave that for later."

"So we are still camping out here tonight then, with the creatures of the night."

"Yes." I don't hesitate, "It may sound easy to take over a town or a village with force, but strategically, it's far better to have the people come on to your side on their own volition. It'll make ruling them after and during the war a lot easier."

I certainly don't need any uprisings while I'm butting heads with the Marquess and Serue. And as they say, prevention is better than cure.

"So, we fight the beasts tonight then." The hint of fear and hesitation is evident in Juri's voice.

I smile and pat his shoulder, "Think of it this way, when you defeat these beasts and return, the elite of Aste will have one more beautiful war story to share at the tavern."

He offers me a hesitant smile, one that grows true the more he thinks about it.

"Very well then, I will prepare the men for battle with beasts, they will know that what comes next will bring them only fame and glory."

With that, he trails back to the camps and tents set up for the soldiers. Leaving me with Anselm.

He fixes me with a doubtful look and asks, "What's really keeping you from just bulldozing this place like you did Frozia?"


"Try again."

"I want to see what this benefactor is capable of. If I'm right, it must be a Patron to the Mayor."

Anselm folds his arms, "And you want to bait this Patron god? Why?"

"Experience, and a lot of it."

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