His Dearest Wife

Chapter 130

Chapter 130

Wei Nan also felt that the ringtone of the mobile phone was very harsh. In this tense atmosphere, there was a more thrilling feeling.

As Leng Yaochen's right-hand man, Wei Nan absolutely didn't want to see the young master and Feng Yu estranged from each other as a woman. Otherwise, the economy of the whole country would be in turmoil, and the result would be that both sides would lose.

Just as Wei Nan shakes his hands to open Lin's handbag and finds his mobile phone, he sees Feng Yu's name jumping.

"Young master, it's really a few calls." Wei Nan said anxiously.

"Hold on, let him ring!" Leng Yaochen's face sank. He suddenly calmed down and said.

Wei Nan quickly put the mobile phone back in his handbag, stood up and heard the door of the rest room behind him closed by Leng Yaochen.

"Ah, young master..." Wei Nan just felt his heart pumping. Why did the young master close the door at this time?

Is the young master really going to do something bad?

Wei Nan's nervous heart is hanging in his throat. I really hope the young master can endure hunger and thirst. Don't do anything wrong at this juncture.

After cold Yao Chen throws the door, the pace puts light, stood at the bedside, looking down at the quiet person on the bed like sleeping.

She breathed so lightly that if she didn't listen carefully, she would have lost her breath.

"Miss Lin, don't do anything. Do you hear me?" Leng Yaochen squatted beside the bed, looked at the fragile woman more closely, and his voice was heavy.

However, the woman on the bed had no response at all, because she could not hear his voice full of worry.

"I promise you, I won't scare you again." Leng Yaochen closed the door tightly. He just didn't want his subordinates to see that he was very spineless and humbly apologizing to a woman.

"If you really love Fengyu, I will quit. If he can really give you happiness..."

"It's all your fault, you know? You shouldn't be in my life... "

"I don't know what kind of woman I want, but why are you all over my head? For any man, I'll take you by all means, but he's Feng Yu... "

"I swore to him that we would never hurt our brotherhood because of women, but God made a cruel joke and sent you to us."

"Fate is so ridiculous, isn't it?"

Leng Yaochen squatted beside the bed, his eyes gently coagulated, just like a sleeping woman, with deep sadness in her low voice.

The love he once despised became the first setback in his life.

That kind of emotion is like fire, which can't be extinguished when it's burning. It's crazy and warm. He wants to pull away, but it's too late.

Outside the door, Wei Nan knocked on the door: "young master, open the door, doctor Han may be coming."

Leng Yaochen silently looked at the pale girl in front of her, suddenly leaned over and gave her a gentle kiss on her tender cheek.

Then he stood up and went to open the door. Wei Nan stood awkwardly outside the door, glancing at Lin Xiang on the bed.

Fortunately, Feng's clothes are neat.

"Young master, are you ok?" Never see Leng Yaochen so sad look, Wei Nan heart a surprised, hurriedly concern of inquiry.

Leng Yaochen sat on the sofa tired, his eyes fell on the tea table in front of him, but he seemed to have not heard Wei Nan's words. He was immersed in his own thoughts and couldn't recover for a long time.

Wei Nan sighed anxiously. This time, young master, he really fell into the hands of women.

Once how proud, how invincible young master, even in love, than who are crazy.

More than ten minutes later, Han Mo, the cold family's personal doctor, knocked on the door anxiously, sweating.

"What's the matter with lengshao? where? Let me see! " As soon as Han Mo enters the door, he sees Leng Yaochen sitting on the sofa with a tired look. He anxiously goes to see the situation for him.

"Dr. Han, it's not the young master who is ill!" Wei South hastens to open a way.

"Not master Leng? Who is that? " Han Mo asked strangely.

Once upon a time, master Leng had a headache and fever. He came to see him in person. He thought that this time Leng Yaochen was also ill.

Leng Yaochen stands up and goes to the rest room. Han Mo follows him in.

When he saw a girl lying on the bed, Han Mo's expression immediately rose, and he took a ambiguous look at Leng Yaochen.

I can't believe that young master Leng, with a face of abstinence, has started to have women.

"She seems to be pregnant, you see if her child is OK!" The anxiety in Leng Yaochen's expression, though he tried his best to press it, still made people feel it.

"Pregnant?" Han Mo is surprised again, thinking, young master Leng's action is quite fast. As soon as the love affair is broken, the woman is pregnant.

"I'll give her a pulse first. It's our Han family's ancestral pulse. From the pulse image, I can know if the child is in danger." Han Mo said confidently.When he stretched out his hand to feel Lin's pulse, he looked at Leng Yaochen intentionally: "do you need a handkerchief or something?"

Leng Yaochen's eyes sank: "you quickly help her to see the situation, how can there be so many rules."

Han Mo said with a dry smile: "I'm not afraid of the cold, young master mind."

Wei Nan is crying by Han mo. I really don't know how the Han family applied to be the cold family's personal doctor at the beginning. This is a funny character. Can you restrain it?

Han Mo immediately put his hand on the image of Lin's missing. He thought deeply. Suddenly, his expression suddenly changed and he looked up at Leng Yaochen.

"Master Leng, are you sure this beauty is pregnant?" Han Mo really feels embarrassed. Leng Yaochen says that the girl is pregnant, but he doesn't feel happy at all.

"Of course, I'm sure. Otherwise, why should I rush for you?" Leng Yaochen's tone was heavy, and Jun's face was even more anxious.

Han Mo suddenly felt as if he had broken something. He coughed: "Mr. Leng, forgive me. This girl is not pregnant at all. She is just too weak. Maybe her Qi and blood stagnate for a while, leading to a transient shock. It's not a matter of great importance. I can wake her up right away!"

Leng Yaochen is shocked. He stares at Han Mo and asks, "are you sure she's not pregnant?"

"I dare to take my career as a guarantee, she is not pregnant, my family's ancestral medical skills..."

"Enough, don't boast any more. You must give the young master a definite answer. Are you really not pregnant?" Wei Nan knows that Han Mo is very conceited about his family's medical skills. He has talked about them thousands of times and is tired of listening to them.

Han Mo nodded: "yes, I'm sure she's not pregnant. I can't feel the pulse of happiness."

The corner of Leng Yaochen's mouth suddenly hooks up, and his smile is extremely insidious.

"I see. You just said you could wake her up immediately. Now let her wake up." Leng Yaochen suddenly calmed down.

"All right!"

Han Mo said, opened his medicine box, found a bottle of medicine, unscrewed the bottle, and placed it at the tip of Lin's nose for a few seconds.

The sleepy Miss Lin seems to be choked by something, coughing a few times, and his consciousness is suddenly awakened by the strong pull.

When she opened her eyes, she saw the faces of the three men in front of her, and the whole person screamed with fright.

"Awake?" Leng Yaochen pushes Han Mo away and sits beside the bed. He asks her with a smile in his eyes.

Lin Xiangxiang felt that his head was still dizzy. He pressed his head with one hand and said angrily, "Leng Yaochen, what have you done to me? What's the taste? It's pungent. "

Cold Yao Chen tone a change just now ruthless, with some smile said: "you just suddenly fainted, you have no impression?"

Miss Lin carefully recalled this, vaguely remember just a dark suddenly hit, her whole person lost consciousness.

"I'm going home. Go away!" Lin miss to see the man's face smile, feel the abnormal danger, she struggled to support the body to get out of bed.

Leng Yaochen didn't stop her. He just said, "Why are you so weak? How did Feng Yu take care of you? "

Han Mo heard Feng Yu, the whole person is a stiff, finished, he did not know what should not know the secret?

Cold sweat comes out again. With master Leng's character, will he be in danger.

"Well, master Leng, if there's nothing else, I'll go first. I still have patients there." Han Mo dare not stay any longer. The atmosphere here is too dangerous.

Leng Yaochen nodded to him: "please, go ahead."

Han Mo leaves quickly, Wei Nan takes the initiative to send him to the door, and then says with deep meaning: "doctor Han, you should forget what happened today. Don't mention it to anyone."

"Assistant Wei, don't worry. Don't you know who I am? I can keep a secret the best Han Mo replied with a smile.

Wei Nan nodded and let him go.

Lin Xiangxiang has already walked outside the door. When she saw her handbag fall on the ground, she hurried forward to pick it up. She just bent over and felt dizzy.

"Did Fengyu love you so much that you were so weak?" Leng Yaochen asked sarcastically.

Miss Lin didn't stare at her angrily. She fainted again: "please stop your dirty thoughts. I don't need you to care about my health."

Leng Yaochen cold a handsome face, cold hum: "indeed, I really don't want to care, but please don't faint in front of me next time, otherwise, I can't help but care about you."

"If you didn't stimulate me, would I faint?" Lin put the blame on him.

"Well, I promise you that I won't be angry with you next time. Go downstairs as soon as possible. I'm afraid Feng Yu has come to you." Leng Yaochen breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Feng Yu didn't break into his office directly. Otherwise, he was afraid that things would be really bad.

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