His Dearest Wife

Chapter 106

Chapter 106

Seeing the silence on the other end of the phone, Lin Zimeng sneered with pride: "what's the taste of being alone in an empty room? You say, is this retribution? You've only been married for a few days, and Fengyu will not return home at night. Miss Lin and rob other people's men. That's the end. You have to get used to it. "

"Why should I believe what you said when I was three years old?" Miss Lin choked her.

Lin Zimeng said: "believe it or not, anyway, I know about it. Pei Jiaxin and Feng Yu have been engaged with each other since childhood. In the upper class, it's an open secret. Before Pei Jiaxin disappeared, everyone didn't mention it. Now, Pei Jiaxin has come back. You're afraid of Lin Xiangxiang."

Pei Jiaxin's three words are like the magic barrier of Miss Lin. almost everyone who has seen her will mention her.

"Why should I be afraid? If Feng Yu and I are really destined to break up, I will be separated from him. Unlike you, I just lost a man, but what you lost is the power of the whole Feng family. " Miss Lin lightly mocked.

"Miss Lin, don't pretend to be so noble. I don't believe you can really be indifferent to fame and wealth. You are not greedy for money because you haven't lived a decent life since you were a child. When you get the taste of money, I believe you can't get rid of this addiction. Wait and see, you will become the second me and be laughed at by everyone." Lin Zimeng scolded her viciously.

"Lin Zimeng, you're better off living your own life. Don't come to gossip about other people's family affairs every day like an old lady. It's too bad for you to be a young lady of the Lin family." Miss Lin was scolded heart fire, immediately cold voice counterattack.

"How dare you scold me? Miss Lin, don't forget that you are just a parasite of the Lin family. You will always be a parasite. Even if you climb up a branch and become a Phoenix, you can't change your humble background. " Lin Zimeng is going mad. He has no image in his words.

Miss Lin's small face a pale, directly cut off the call.


In the past, I thought it was the worst word to scold her for being wild. It turned out that there was something worse.

Fortunately, she didn't care.

Just, is it really like what Lin Zimeng said? Feng Yu and Pei Jiaxin together?

Heartache to unable to breathe, Miss Lin really a mouthful of food can not eat, with the right uncle said hello, went upstairs.

Fill the bathtub with water and bury yourself in warm water.

She was afraid of water, but now her brain was so confused that she had to try to sink her head into the water.

"Ah Help That kind of dreadful nightmare, when her facial features are immersed in water, comes frantically.

She waved her two little hands randomly and grasped the edge of the bathtub. Then she raised her head. Her face was white and colorless.

Startled by this shock, the brain is awake. In the face of life and death, it turns out that those unprovoked emotional troubles are nothing.

Lin Zimeng didn't want her to be good, so she chose not to believe her words.

Feng Yu, who was far away from Linguo, had just taken a bath in the bathroom. His strong body was covered with a loose white bathrobe.

After sleeping on the plane for several hours, I felt a little tired. I threw myself on the bed and closed my eyes to sleep.

Don't know why, always feel the arms empty, want to hold what sleep.

Feng Yu laughed at himself. How long has it been? He is used to sleeping with that little thing.

When it was light, Feng Yu woke up, changed his clothes and opened the door.

Standing on the balcony on the second floor, with cold eyes slightly narrowed, I saw Pei Jiaxin, who was elegantly dressed, walking with her grandfather in a wheelchair on the garden path downstairs.

Both of them were smiling and didn't know what they were talking about.

Feng Yu's heart was stiff and he went downstairs quickly.

Over the years, he still has a certain understanding of Pei Jiaxin. This woman was born in a powerful family. She has been influenced by the disputes and fights between adults since she was a child. Although she is young, she sometimes acts tactfully.

He remembers that when he was a child, when he saw Pei Jiaxin go to get a child's toy, she was found. When an adult came, she fell directly on the ground and broke her hand. When an adult came, she cried and said that the child pushed her. She just picked up the toy and wanted to give it back to others. Therefore, all the adults were trying to coax her, while the wronged child would only give it back Clumsy explained that she was not pushed. With the evidence, who would believe that clumsy child?

Since that time, Feng Yu's young heart has driven this woman out. Although his heart was dark and dark at that time, at least, he was used to resist the protective color cultivated by those who came close to him with bad intentions, and there were very few people who deliberately hurt others.

"Grandfather, how early did you get up for a walk? He Ma said that you are not feeling well. Are you better now? " Feng Yu walked through the garden path and stood by laughing to say hello to his grandfather.

Pei Jiaxin saw Feng Yu in a stiff suit, noble temperament and handsome appearance. The way he was smiling made her have a kind of magic that could not move her eyes.

Although the old man Feng was old, his Majesty was still there. Looking at his grandson's smiling face, he snorted: "aren't you with your little wife now? Why do you have time to care about my old man's health? "Feng Yu was stunned for a moment. Listening to his grandfather's tone, he seemed very dissatisfied with the marriage he missed with Lin.

Pei Jiaxin looks a little happy. Grandfather Feng still loves her very much. Feng Yu is afraid that he can't pass this pass.

"Jiaxin, you should avoid first. I have something to say to this boy." Grandfather Feng immediately kindly said to Pei Jiaxin.

Pei Jiaxin quickly and gently nodded: "OK, grandfather has something to do, just call me, I'm in the living room."

Pei Jiaxin wiped Feng Yu's side and looked at his face for a second. Then he left quickly.

Feng Yu went over and pushed his grandfather to the scenic spot on the other side.

"What does grandfather want to say to me?" Fengyu has a clear voice and color.

Feng beat the armrest of the wheelchair with his hand regretfully: "I'm so confused. When you got married, you didn't stop you in time. That's why you and Jiaxin fell into such a passive situation."

"What do you mean, grandfather?" Feng Yu frowned and asked in a heavy tone.

"What do you mean? Do you still not understand? Jiaxin is such a good girl. She is infatuated with you. If you can marry her, it's a blessing you've cultivated for several generations. " The old man Feng said pitifully that his face was painful.

But Feng Yu snorted faintly: "grandfather, what I mean is that my wife and I have no emotional support?"

"Isn't it? Don't think that I live far away. I don't know what happened to you. Your wedding day is too reckless. Aren't you afraid of being laughed at? And the little girl miss Lin, how old she is, will know how to climb into a man's bed. If I marry such a girl, I won't die. " Fenglaozi said with shame and anger.

Feng Yu knew that his grandfather must have asked about it, so he had to explain lightly: "grandfather, you misunderstood and missed me. In fact, it was your grandson, I was shameless and obscene. I gave her medicine and let her climb to my bed on her own initiative."

"What? You rebellious grandson After hearing this, Feng almost gasped for breath. His backhand hit Feng Yu's arm firmly: "what are you talking about? Do you know how to write "disgrace"

"Grandfather, I fell in love with her a long time ago. In order to get her, I'll do whatever I can. If you really want to scold me, you can scold me. It's your grandson who is unfilial and failed to be a good man, but he is full of intrigues and tricks, which has harmed a good girl." Feng Yu had already made enough preparations to come. Even if he was scolded and beaten by his grandfather, he would not divorce Lin Xiang.

"I won't shoot you!" Master Feng stood up and slapped him on his pretty face. Five fingerprints were printed on his jade like face, which was shocking.

Feng Yu bowed his head and did not resist a word.

Looking at his masterpiece, Mr. Feng was shocked. From small to large, he was not willing to fight this precious grandson.

But he couldn't help hearing his silly words just now.

"Well, who asked me to teach you those tricks since I was a child? It's my sin. " The self mocking sigh of Feng Laozi.

Feng Yu saw that his grandfather was finally relieved, so he continued to say, "it's none of my grandfather's business. It's my personal sin, so I'm mending this mistake."

"How can you fix it? The innocent body of other girls is occupied by you... "

"I have to love her more, take care of her and care for her." Feng Yu interrupts his grandfather's words and answers seriously.

"You son of a bitch!" Fenglaozi angrily scolded: "will people get you this feeling? If you want me to see it, you should give her a large sum of money and ask her to marry another man she loves more, so that you don't harm others. "

"Grandfather, do you really want to see her marry someone with your great grandson?" Feng Yu opened his mouth with a light smile.

"What? I beg your pardon? Again, chongsun Fenglaozi was obviously surprised by this sentence and didn't reflect it from his ecstasy.

Feng Yu nodded: "yes, she is pregnant, my child!"

Fenglaozi couldn't slow down for a long time. He looked at the ground with twinkling eyes. Then he said bitterly, "you are really evil. Do you know you are engaged to Jiaxin?"

"Yes, but you ordered it from her grandfather. I don't have a say in it, so I don't recognize it." Feng Yu immediately replied seriously.

Fenglaozi glared at him angrily: "if your grandfather had been killed in the battlefield, you would not have been ridiculous in this world."

Feng Yu heard this, inexplicably want to laugh, and he, also really laugh out: "grandfather, you are really stubborn, love and marriage is not because of fate just together? When you married your grandmother, did you remember your first love

Feng suddenly choked speechless.

If you teach your grandson too cleverly, you're asking for trouble.

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