Hero of Darkness

Chapter 943 Claiming Life

Chapter 943  Claiming Life

Havi Hos Sigfreed, the formidable Emperor of the Vulcan Empire, stood tall and imposing as he declared his audacious intentions to claim the life of the Hero of Darkness at the Conclave of Heroes. His empire, home to Firebornes, Dwarves, and other Demi-Human races, was devoted to serving the powerful God of Fire, Hetrax.

With his crimson armor and flaming cloak, Havi exuded the essence of a ruler bound to the element of fire. His eyes blazed with determination and a hint of arrogance, reflecting the immense power he wielded as the emperor.

As news of his bold declaration spread through the realm, it sent ripples of apprehension and anticipation among the Hero's Party members and the attending representatives from different Gods and Empires.

[What the hell is wrong with him?! I literally saved his daughter's life and even helped him purge the coup caused by the Church due to my involvement when the Hero of Fire killed his son and tried to imprison Venessa.] thought Kahn to himself with his mind in shambles.

As the Conclave of Heroes approached, Emperor Havi, the ruler of the Vulcan Empire, had a hidden plan in mind. Instead of seeking to harm or challenge Kahn, he aimed to create a way for Kahn to safely leave the Conclave with him. His goal was to avoid any interference from other empires or factions and protect Kahn from potential threats.

To achieve this, Emperor Havi astutely utilized a specific clause in the bylaws of the Conclave. This clause stated that if one of the summoned Heroes or Heroines were killed by another hero or heroine from a different empire that worshipped a different God or Goddess, the latter would have the right to claim the life of the perpetrator.

Essentially, if the Hero were to be harmed by someone from a different empire, that empire would have the right to capture and bring him under their authority.

Considering that the new Hero of Darkness did not have any empire backing him, Emperor Havi saw an opportunity to legally provide protection to Kahn. He aimed to ensure that no other empire could harm or capture Kahn during the Conclave, as doing so would give him the authority to claim Kahn and keep him safe.

By implementing this plan, Emperor Havi intended to forge a bond of trust with Kahn, safeguarding him from any potential threats while granting him a secure path within the Conclave of Heroes. This strategic move showcased Emperor Havi's foresight and desire to protect the Hero of Darkness, rather than capture or kill him as others would believe.

"Once found… Whether I kill him or gain his immediate custody as my prisoner is up to me. I hope the Celestial Guardian would approve my appeal." spoke Havi with a countenance full of resolve.

In response, the celestial guardian of Hesperides spoke with contemplating voice…

"And so shall you have, child. As long as he is found to be here that is.

And due to the previous arrangement between Gods in case a Hero kills another before the Conclave of Heroes, you can force the Hero to relinquish the land inside that he, as Hero of Darkness, has rights to." spoke the Celestial being as it changed the shape of its body into another anthropomorphic form.

"In other words… If you are to capture him, you can have both lands for Hero of Fire and Hero of Darkness.

The resources are also yours to claim in case the Hero of Darkness enters both lands and finds them inside." declared the Celestial Guardian with an authoritative tone.

[What 'Land' are they talking about?] asked Kahn to Romulus.

[The one inside. It has another purpose.

But exactly what… Even I do not know. As per my knowledge, only the reigning Emperors and Empresses are privy to that information.] responded Romulus with a reserved face.

Right then, Kaali and some other rulers decided to speak…

"This is unfair. Benefits of two God's Domains given to a single empire…

It will shift the power balance in the entire world." spoke the Empress with an irritated countenance.

"Correct! How is he given that right just because his hero was incompetent enough to get killed by Hero of Darkness?" asked another Emperor whose body was full of fish-like scales and held a golden trident, indicating that he was the ruler of the Empire of Water.

The celestial guardian on the other end, replied in a lifeless tone as he looked at Kaali.

"Do not dare mock the rules made by the Gods.

It may seem unfair to you but it is the right decision according to the previous agreements.

Remember, even the previous Emperors and Empresses, many of whom belonged to empires that existed in those times, some of which are long gone and now you take their places followed these very rules.

So do not try to teach me." declared the Celestial Guardian in a displeased tone.

Kaali quickly retorted and spoke loudly…

"The bylaws also prohibit the guardian to be biased or favor any Heroes or the Empires. Their judgment must be impartial." her voice resounded.


However, those words were not met with kindness as the Celestial Guardian revealed its otherworldly aura and its insurmountable pressure quickly forced Kaali to kneel as if the fury of the heavens had dawned upon the Empress of the Beast Empire.

"Do not cite the ancient laws to me, child.

I was there when it was written."


After a few minutes passed, the moments that felt like suffering through numerous deaths to Kaali, the Celestial Guardian spoke in an authoritative tone that resounded in everyone's ears…

"It is the will of the gods that honors the ancient pact.

Any opposition and I as the guardian of Hesperides will have to act."

"Honor my will the way I see it.

Or perhaps any of you wish to make me enforce those laws by annihilating your empires for breaking the rules made by Gods?" he asked in a grim tone.

A feeling of terror suddenly ran across everyone's bodies and even the Emperors and Empresses of these powerful empires, the ones who were at 8th stage saint rank, shuddered.

They realized that rebuking Havi's claim on Hero of Darkness was like walking on a lake with thin ice at the surface. One wrong move and they would drown till certain death.

And the death won't be just theirs but their entire empire.

Why? Because the Celestial Guardian, the protector of Hesperides, was a soul projection of a Demi-God.

"Do not be under the impression that I share some sort of bonding or a common cause with any of you.

I am the Guardian tasked with protecting this place. I have no interest in politics and the power struggle of the mortal world.

However, for those who break the laws…" declared the celestial guardian, now turning into the shape of a cute little rabbit.

"I am the Divine Justice!"


As the Celestial Guardian revealed his overwhelming power through his soul-projection, even the mighty Empress Kaali found herself kneeling before him. Witnessing this awe-inspiring display, the other emperors and empresses had no choice but to silently accept the arrangement proposed by Emperor Havi.

Just a soul-projection of this Demi-God which did not even contain half of his strength was enough to completely dominate and overpower an 8th stage Saintess like Kaali. And that too when he was merely exerting his aura due to displeasure.

Only an idiot would dare to mock and question such an entity furthermore.

After a collective discuss, all of them had come to accept the Celestial Guardian's decree.

Under this agreement, if the Hero of Darkness were to appear at the Conclave of Heroes, they would be obliged to hand him over to the Vulcan Empire without any resistance. The sheer force and authority displayed by the Celestial Guardian left them with no room for defiance.

While some emperors and empresses might have agreed reluctantly, it was clear that their compliance was motivated by a deep understanding of the Demi-God's unforgiving nature.

He cared little for their individual concerns or struggles, leaving them with no other viable option but to acquiesce to his decision.

Thus, the presence of the Celestial Guardian acted as an unyielding force that compelled everyone to conform to the proposed arrangement.

His power and status as a Demi-God solidified the authority behind Emperor Havi's plan, ensuring that the Hero of Darkness would be safeguarded and protected during the Conclave of Heroes, as per the Vulcan Empire's desires.


As others had come to terms with the decision, right then… The Guardian sensed something and looked at Kahn under the cloak.

[I feel the Darkness from him. But it's as if the beacon has yet to be lit up.

His Divine Key… Is not awakened.] spoke the Celestial Guardian to himself.

The Celestial Guardian had sensed and found the Hero of Darkness.

[Well, it is not my problem to uncover his truth and hold him responsible.

Compared to the previous generations, this Conclave of Heroes is full of surprises for the first time in the past 3000 years since I was tasked with this job.

All of them have failed to even find him all this time and he is actually present here at the moment.

So why should I do their job for them?] he thought with a sense of superiority, reveling in the incompetence of the Empires.

He was the Guardian of Hesperides, and the Enforcer of the bylaws of Conclave of Heroes, not the Hunting Dog for these empires.

[I shall allow everyone to pass through.

What happens inside…] he thought while hiding his surprise.

[The fate will decide for itself.]

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