Heather the Necromancer



Blackbast led them into a vast hall of marble floors and walls. It opened into a ground chamber that soared twenty meters up. It was all of stone and marble and lit by magical lights. Books were everywhere, lying on tables, stacked on shelves, and piled on the floor.

The whole space looked like a gothic city library, complete with statues of leering gargoyles. The floors were a pinkish marble, and the walls were cut from the red rock itself. The shelves and furniture were made of sandy-colored wood, polished to perfection, and intricately carved with patterns. The stacks of books vanished beyond sight down dozens or rows promising long-lost secrets to those diligent enough to search for them.

Books! Heather cried, but before she could rush ahead, Blackbast stopped her.

Be careful as you search in here. I have only looked down the closest stacks. I have no idea what might lurk in the deep recesses of the library.

Are you saying it might be dangerous? Breanne asked.

I am saying this is an abandoned structure in the desert, Blackbast replied. Some caution is wise.

Hmm, I suppose its smart to be cautious, Heather replied and looked into the vast inner hall. I wonder if I can summon skeletons in here.

It has a stone floor, Breanne said. I doubt you or Quinny can summon your minions.

Heather turned right about and went outside, only to return a minute later with six skeletons following along. She had Webster in one arm and her scythe in the other.

Now I am armed and have bodyguards, Heather stated and walked ahead.

Frank and I will wait here, Blackbast called as the girls headed away. Call if you need us.

They crossed a vast dusty hall full of reading tables and chairs. There were books on every table, some open, some piled in stacks. They reached the middle of the grand hall as Heather looked up at the arched ceiling of patterned stone. It was so ornately carved that she wished she could have seen how it was done. Massive square stone pillars flanked the hall, and tables circled them at the base. She blew the dust off a few books on one table, eager to see what they were.

A collection of fairy tales? Heather said as she read the description. This seems kinda silly in a world where fairies are probably real. She set it aside and looked at another to see it was a dissertation on something called hydromancy. Well, that's a school of magic, but not one I am interested in, she said and moved on.

For the next twenty minutes, they poured over every book on the tables until Blackbast arrive to call them into order.

You are wasting your time searching the loose books. You need to get into the stacks and figure out how they are organized. Then you can locate the books you need. Come, I will organize your search, Blackbast added and led them into the shelves.

The shelves were twice Heathers height, and ladders were anchored to them every twenty steps. Blackbast assigned Heather to the lower bookshelves while Quinny was to climb the ladder and look above. Breanne would push her along, and together they would identify what was in each row. Some sections had brass plates identifying what they contained, while others had nothing to go by except the books themselves. Finally, Blackbast left them to work and went back to the grand hall.

The first section was full of books on alchemy, transmutation, and conjuration. There were whole catalogs of magical ingredients and their properties. Beside them were guides on how to prepare and process herbs to get the desired reactions. One book spoke about something called elemental forging, and she spent a moment flipping through the pages. It was a fascinating look into how powerful raw elements could be shaped into magical items. Things she never dreamed of existing were listed in the pages and captivated her imagination. What could a necromancer do with a scythe made of Angellium? Or a bone golem made from bones infused with Astral powder?

Heathers mind reeled with possibilities, but she had so much to learn. The conjuration section opened her eyes to the wide range of things people could summon, from animals to elementals, spirits that were not considered undead, and even outer planar beings. Many classes could conjure mundane things like a chair to sit on or a bucket to haul water. Summoning water and food looked to be a common skill, as was the ability to conjure magical lights. To her surprise, there were fully described spells for minor conjurations. She handed the book to a skeleton to carry, determined to try some of the spells later. She added a few books on alchemy as well to research an idea that was brewing in her mind.

She found a guide on spell preparation and added it to the skeleton's arms along with a book on basic conjuration spells. This hall exhausted, they started on the next, walking the stacks with a sense of wonder.

This next area was less interesting, containing books of poetry and discussions on things like reality. Still, she found one guide that spoke about how New Eden's reality was layered and added it to the skeleton's arms. Quinny added one that was a collection of sad romantic stories, stating she liked a good cry.

An hour went by before they found the shelves that contained books about specific schools of magic and one with a detailed overview and description of them all. Heather added that to her pile and moved on. She found a book on holy magic and added that one too. Better to understand how the paladin's magic worked to be better prepared for it. She found a small guide that made her smile. It was a guide for inefficient combat classes that included a whole section on flower singers. It went right in the pile that was becoming rather large. Breanne found a guide to shadow magic and added her first book to the collection.

Wandering the shelves, they searched for anything to do with necromancy. Heather was delighted to find a whole three shelves with books written by dozens of authors about necromancy and the whole range of what they called the unholy arts. She tore through books devouring everything she could find. There were books with spells she didn't have and sections on improving undead. Guides to which skills to buy to make them more efficient and tips for arming minions. She began to take every book she could get her hands on and stack them in the arms of her minions. When every skeleton carried five or six books, she took three more herself and led them back across the library.

Did you find anything? Frank asked as Heather walked by with her train of minions all holding books.

Don't be sarcastic, Heather called. There is an entire section on necromancy, and I am taking every book I can carry. I will put them all inside the magic room so I can look through them later.

She returned a few minutes later and led her minions back into the stacks to begin stacking their arms with more books.

Why do you need so many? Breanne asked as Heather worked.

Most of these books are probably useless, but we cant stay here long enough for me to figure it out. I will take them all and look through them as we travel.

Hey, I found a book on zombies, Quinny called and held up a book that looked as if it was clad in zombie skin.

That looks horrid, Heather said.

Its just a book, Quinny replied and handed it to a skeleton.

Heather stacked the last of the books in the section in a skeleton's arms and looked dissatisfied that there were no more. She walked to the end of the row, where a wide hall separated it from even more stacks on the other side. From where she stood, she could see these stacks went another ten meters and ended at yet another hall beyond which were more stacks.

It could take us weeks to search all this, Heather said. I wish we had more time.

You have taken fifty books already, Breanne said.

And I haven't even begun to find the books I want, Heather replied. Do you think there might be special rooms or even secret rooms in here?

Why would they need secret rooms? Quinny asked from the ladder above.

Heather explained that there might be restricted books or books with knowledge so secret they were hidden from the average person.

I suppose there might be, Breanne replied. I could look for some, but it will take hours to search even a small area.

Heather realized they had a dozen more stacks to search in the section they were in, so she focused her attention here. She hoped to find books on the history of the world and perhaps its evolution over time. An hour later, they had added a dozen misc books to the collection, but nothing about the world itself. She grew frustrated as time ticked by and realized they were going to have to leave soon.

This whole section is about fungus, Quinny said as she turned over a book. Why would people spend so much time writing about that?

Hmm, Heather said and turned over one of the books. Is there one about preserving spores?

Maybe this one on how to use fungus, Quinny replied and handed the book down.

Heather added it to the arms of a skeleton and wandered down the row. She peered down the length of the stacks across from them and dared to step into the hall.

Still wondering what might be hidden beyond the stacks? Breanne asked as she walked up behind Heather.

I want to search every section, Heather replied. Who knows what we might learn.

You already have more books than you can read in a year, Breanne said. I am sure we can come back here when time permits.

Heather wasn't so sure there would ever be enough time. That seemed to be one of the hallmarks of her existence. She was always rushing off to get something done, never having enough time to finish anything else. She walked across the aisle into the stacks and ran a finger over the spines of countless books. There were gaps between some books occupied by an object of curiosity. Sometimes it was a statue, other times a work of art. There were skulls from long-dead creatures scattered about and more than a few cobwebs.

Are we moving? Quinny called as Heather wandered deeper into the stacks.

Heather shook her head and turned back but paused when she heard something. It was a muffled sound from someplace deeper in the library. As if somebody had just pushed a chair across the floor. She turned to gaze down the row to the next hall but saw nothing of note in the gloom.

Did you hear that? she asked as Breanne caught up to her.

Breanne followed Heathers gaze but responded with a denying, heard what?

I was sure I heard something, Heather continued and took a step forward. Do you think something might be living in here?

If it is, we are better off not encountering it, Breanne suggested just as they both heard a thump.

Heather looked back as Breanne nodded; she had heard it that time. Heather motioned to Quinny to join them and then explained the noises they heard. They sat quietly, listening for a minute more, but nothing else was heard.

Maybe there are mice or something, Quinny suggested.

Mice? Heather repeated as if the idea were silly. Slowly she crept down the row with Quinny and Breanne following. At the next hall, she peered around the stack to disturbances in the dust. Something had passed two rows down, leaving a trail that could be clearly seen.

Something is here, Heather said and pointed out the disturbance in the dust. We need to go back to Frank and Blackbast.

Not going to charge ahead blindly? Breanne asked.

No, Heather replied and pulled back from the corner. Lets go tell them what we found.

They hurried as quietly as they could, but the skeletons clicked as they walked, making every noise a potential threat. However, nothing leaped out at them, and they quickly arrived at the grand hall. Frank and Blackbast were to one side of the hall talking when the three ran up to report what they found.

You didnt see what it was? Blackbast asked.

No, its moving very quietly, but it leaves a trail in the dust, Heather replied.

Perhaps we should go then, Blackbast encouraged. We have already been here several hours.

But I havent found the books I want yet, Heather argued. Could you come back with us and help us locate this thing?

Frank looked to Blackbast, then shrugged and began walking for the stacks. Heather showed him the way back to where they first heard the sounds. They listened for a bit, but there wasn't any further noise, so they moved on to the tracks. In the hall, Blackbast knelt beside the tracks and tried to identify them. Frank followed them into the stacks a bit but waited for Blackbast to finish.

These are bizarre tracks, she said. Almost as if something were being dragged.

It went down this stack, but I don't see anything, Frank said. It was only three aisles away from where the others were. I am surprised they didnt hear more.

I only heard one thump, but it was clear as a bell, Breanne added.

We could always follow the tracks, Quinny added.

Blackbast looked up with glowing green eyes that hunted for the missing intruder. She came to her feet with cat-like grace and strolled past Frank, following the tracks down the dusty stacks. When they reached the next hill, the trail went left away from the girls. It skipped two stacks and turned left again, heading back into the depths.

I dont see any individual steps in the dust, Heather whispered as they hunted. Its like somebody was dragging a bag of potatoes.

There are strange breaks in it, though, Breanne pointed out. Where it jumped or skipped a section of floor.

Just as Heather was about to agree, they all heard another thump from behind the stacks. Blackbast's ears perked up as sharp claws suddenly came out of her fingers.

Its in the next row, Frank whispered as he nervously looked to the nearby hall.

I have an idea, Heather said and looked down at the spider that was quietly following along. Can you climb over the stacks and see what it is?

Webster bobbed and leaped to the side of the bookcase, then, with a spiders skill, scaled the books until he reached the top well above their heads. He vanished over the lip as Heather closed her eyes to see what he saw.

He's almost to the edge, she whispered, then took a sharp inhale of air.

What is it? Frank asked.

I can't tell. It looks like a mass of gray ropes. The body is a ball of smooth skin with a single large eye. It's floating in the air dragging some arms but using others to feel along the books.

What is that? Quinny asked.

Some mad wizard's creation, maybe, Blackbast said.

Breanne listened to the description and put forth the idea that it might be a magical creation to work in the library.

I have been here several times, Blackbast said. I never saw such a creature.

Maybe it only activates when there are a certain number of people here, Breanne pressed. That would explain why so little of the dust is disturbed.

Webster is coming back, Heather whispered and opened her eyes. If it is part of the library, it should be safe to approach.

I think I heard of something like that before, Frank said. I don't remember much about it other than it has teeth at the end of the tentacles.

That sounds lovely, Breanne said and looked to the stacks. I could try going into my ghost form and walking through the wall. If it's aggressive, it might not be able to harm me.

What if it can? Quinny asked as a dark shape moved from above. It descended on them in a leap, landing on Breannes shoulder as she screamed in alarm.

Stupid spider! Breanne scolded as Webster leaped off to land in Heathers arms.

Heather snatched him up with wide eyes as they went silent again. They heard a sort of warbling sound in the row next to them, followed by several thumps as the creature began to move.

Here it comes, Quinny said and drew her sword.

Which way is it coming from? Frank asked as he tried to block one end or the other.

I can't tell, Heather cried and set Webster down. There was a sort of shrill whistle and more thumps that made them turn around as something moved at the far end.

They saw rope-like arms latch onto shelves a few seconds before the main body appeared. It was the size of a beachball with an eye as big as a fist. Equally spaced all around that sphere were fleshy rope-like arms three meters in length. They ended in flat paddle-like tips that it used to grip the shelves as the central body floated in the air. The eye fixed on them and narrowed in an angry glare as arms lifted high.

Frank ran at the beast as is Blackbast raised her hand high to summon her weapons. Heather immediately ordered her skeletons in and then raised her scythe and loosed a rotating bolt. As Frank closed, the monster moved with surprising speed, latching six rope-like arms on his armor. It yanked him to the side, but he grabbed at the arms and pulled, dragging the beast with him.

The skeletons ran in and started to hack, but arms lashed and battered them, keeping them at bay.

The hall is too narrow, Quinny yelled as she tried to get close enough to hack an arm.

Heather's rotting bolt missed, so she fired another and another, careful to aim high and avoid hitting Frank. Breanne went spectral and raced down the hall, planting her arms around Quinny and then pulling her through the stacks.

Why did she do that? Blackbast asked as she appeared in her armor, the terrible whip in her hand.

Breanne knows what she's doing, Heather said as she looked to the shelves and grabbed a skull. It was some kind of deer-like animal, but she didn't care as she aimed and began to channel. The skull began to glow with red fire, and she loosed it down the hall as it wailed. The monster tried to avoid the skull, ripping books from the walls and holding them up like a shield. The explosion caused a screech from the beast, but it did little to halt the attack.

Blackbast leaped to the walls and over the skeletons, using her cat-like agility to get close and swing that terrible weapon. She managed to lash a single-arm but quickly found herself dancing away to avoid five more.

Frank had three of the arms wrapped up in his hands and tugged with superhuman might. He managed to swing the creature into the stacks scattering books and causing more arms to come his way. Behind the battle, Breanne appeared from the wall with Quinny in her arms. She immediately blasted the monster with a shadow spell as Quinny waded in from behind.

The monster found itself pressed on two sides and suddenly darted up, flying above the stacks and over them as it made a shrill whistle. They heard books hitting the ground as it moved unseen someplace in the library.

Frank looked back to Heather as the group met in the middle to discuss what to do next.

That thing is fast, Heather said as they heard a crash someplace in the distance.

We should just sneak out, Frank suggested. Pick up the books your skeletons dropped, and go.

I agree with him, Blackbast said. We have no reason to stay here.

Fine, Heather relented. Help me pick up the books, and we can try to slip out.

The others scattered to pick up the dropped books and stacked them in the arms of the skeletons. Blackbast then took the lead, walking silently to the edge of the stacks to peer around the side.

I dont see it, she whispered. Lets hurry across.

They moved as quietly as they could, but once again, the skeletons clicked and rattled. Just as they cleared the hallway, something screeched, and arms descended on them from above. Quinny and a skeleton were the targets, wrapping them tight then dragging them up with a snap. They were hauled over the stacks as Blackbast used her claws to climb the walls after them.

Heather ran back to the hall with Frank right behind her. They rounded the stack in time to see the two dragged over the next one. They ran for the next row of shelves and found the creature pulled the two down as Quinny struggled.

Get away from her! Heather yelled and fired another rotting bolt, forcing the beast to dash to one side. It let out a burbling screech from somewhere as raised a cluster of arms as if to fend her off. Suddenly a ghostly shape came through the stacks, and the air filled with a wail that chilled the bone. Breanne grabbed Quinny again, turning her spectral and tearing her from the creature's grasp.

The monster howled again and floated up to escape just as a dark shape leaped at it. The whip snapped, and a screech that sounded like a wail of pain followed. The beast dashed away in a blur, its arms dropping the skeleton as it tried to get away.

Are you alright? Breanne asked Quinny as she let her go.

I'm fine, but those suckers have teeth in them, Quinny replied.

Its too fast to fight in these tight spaces, Frank said. I cant keep up with it.

Lets just get out, Heather said as she looked around to be sure Webster was still with them. She snatched him up and held him tight as she ordered her skeletons to run out of the library with the books.

What about the ones that were dropped? Quinny asked as they started to run after the skeletons.

I don't care about them, Heather said. Frank's right, that thing is super fast and can fly over the stacks. We can't fight it here. She swallowed and looked over her shoulder at Quinny, who was trotting behind. Are you hurt? Do you need a heal?

It can wait; I'm only bitten in one place, Quinny said. My armor blocked the rest.

Heather nodded as they neared the end of the row as the books suddenly began to fall like an avalanche. She managed to stop just as the shelves came crashing down to reveal the beast on the other side pushing them over. They fell with a crash and a cloud of dust, crushing a hapless skeleton and blocking their escape.

You are costing me books! Heather yelled before pointing her scythe and chanting a few words. The area all around the beast was bathed in sickly green and yellow clouds, and it howled before darting away.

Dont go after it, Breanne said to Blackbast. Those clouds rot anything that is living.

Blackbast turned to Heather, who was growling in frustration.

Let's double back and go down another row, she said in annoyance.

I can probably lift these shelves, Frank said. It will take a few minutes.

And that thing will leap at us from behind, Breanne said. I could carry you all across one at a time, but whoever was last would be terribly vulnerable.

We stay together and go back, Blackbast said. That creature can wrap victims tight. It would be unwise to split up.

Frank took the lead and headed back as the group looked up and around, desperate to see the creature. Finally, they made it to the back hall and skipped a few rows in the opposite direction before heading to the front entrance. As they crept along, their assailant was strangely quiet, leaving them even more unnerved as the time ticked away.

Should we make a run for it? Heather asked as they neared the midpoint of the aisle.

No, Blackbast whispered back. That thing wants us to panic and separate.

We might have to kill it, Quinny added. It seems like its trying to keep us from leaving.

To kill it, we will need to slow it down, Breanne said. And lure it into the open like the entry hall.

If it shows up again, I am grabbing hold of one of those arms and holding it in place, Frank said. I will focus on keeping it from running. You guys put it down.

Heather nodded when suddenly books began to rain from above. They saw the arms reaching over the stacks with coils of books that it used to bombard the group. Frank used his height to jump in an attempt to grab an arm, but they darted away in a flash.

It knows where we are, Breanne pointed out as she leaned into the stack, her head passing through to the other side. Its already gone from this aisle.

It is trying to frighten us, Blackbast said. Keep moving. I would rather fight it in the open.

At least you got a good hit on it, Heather said. Youre the only one thats managed to his it so far.

Breanne landed one of her spells, and you burned it in your cloud, Blackbast reminded. It isn't so hard to defeat; it is just using the confined space of the library to its advantage.

And that speed, Quinny said as something suddenly moved behind them.

They turned just in time to see several rope-like arms twist around Breanne and fail to do anything but swipe the air. The creature let out an annoyed burble and rose high into the air as Breanne smiled and pointed a finger, filling the air with darts of shadow.

It can't touch her, Heather said excitedly. However, her expression changed as the beast suddenly turned and came racing down with arms flailing.

Frank rushed to intercept the attack, the plates of his armor easily absorbing the toothy ends. The monster made the mistake of lashing at him with too many arms as Frank grasped wildly to get a hold of them.

I think I got it! he cried and tugged at two arms only to have several more lashed at his face. The monster tried to pull away, nearly dragging him with, but Frank pulled back with all his might.

Blackbast leaped into the battle, her whip leading the way. Several arms reached for her, forcing her to dart to the side as the monster slammed into a bookcase, causing a hail of books. Quinny rushed in, cutting at the arms as Breanne continued to fire bolts of shadow. Unfortunately, none of them connected as she had to struggle to avoid hitting the others.

I cant risk a wail with you all in the way, Breanne shouted as the monster finally dragged Frank a few steps down the hall.

Heather had the same problem, her spells having to be aimed high to avoid hitting her friends. She set Webster down and took up the scythe with both hands, and ran in. She had to jostle beside Quinny as the beast flailed and dragged Frank some more. It slammed him against the shelves, and he lost his grip allowing it to fly free.

Oh no, you don't! Heather called and raised a hand. A wall of bone appeared above them, floating just above the shelves. Heather laid the wall on its side, creating a ceiling, trapping the monster inside. It slammed against the barrier and struggled to find an escape as a shadow bolt finally connected.

Its trapped, Quinny called as she cut one of the arms.

The monster suddenly darted low, nearly sweeping the ground as ropes raced out, tumbling Quinny but finding Frank an immovable object. He stamped on an arm and started to walk his way up it, closing on the body as more arms wrapped about him. A sudden slash from Blackbast's whip causes a wail as another arm was injured. Heather rushed in with her scythe, finally making a cut that mattered and severing another arm. The beast pushed at Frank, but he continued to walk up the arm, pinning it in place. He reached the main body as the monster wrapped Frank up but ghoul might mixed with levels of strength boosts won out. Frank plunged his claws into the round body and began to slash at the monster. Purplish blood splattered the books.

The creature attempted to roll away, but Blackbast was there to lash it again, causing it to turn back into Frank. He pounced on it as Quinny began cutting the ropes off him. Moments later, Heather was at his side, and it was clear the monster had lost.

That was disgusting, Heather panted as she finally stepped away from the bloody mass. Why did we have to stab it so much to make it die?

It must have had a lot of health, Frank said.

Health? Heather asked in shock. You were punching holes in it.

I have explained this before, Frank replied. If you have enough health injuries will only be minor until you get low enough to make them critical.

Yeah, remember that arrow I took in the eye? Quinny asked.

Heather sighed and checked her dress to see it had speckles of blood. She tried in vain to wipe them away but only succeeded in smearing it.

Lets get out of this mess, she groaned and then took a moment to look directly at Frank. Do you need any healing?

I'm fine. The armor really is effective, he replied. That thing couldn't get through it anywhere. Heather could see he was fine but coated in purple blood all up his arms and down his legs. She nodded and looked for Webster to find him waiting where she put him down.

They quickly stumbled out of the aisle and into the outer hall. In silence, they headed for the door and carefully picked their way down the narrow tunnel out.

Hey, you made it, Legeis called from outside as Heather appeared. Everything, go, alright? He began as Frank quickly followed, still coated in blood.

Fine, Heather grumbled and was grateful several of her skeletons lived to get outside.

You dont look fine, Legeis countered as he looked down from his armor.

We found something to fight inside, Quinny replied as she stumbled out with Breanne and Blackbast. It was a cool flying rope thing.

Ah huh, Legeis replied and looked to Umtha, who was sitting on a rock nearby.

Waste time, Umtha called as Heather set Webster into the Palanquin and then started picking up books to carry them inside.

Unless you want to start volunteering information, I will have to get it from books, Heather called back.

The three girls worked to load the books into the magic room before Heather stepped over to the mountain home to change. When she came back in her blue dress and hat, the others were ready to go.

With Blackbast reclined on the back of Legeis's armor, they set out again, heading out of the canyons and onto the glass. The sun moved from noon to afternoon as they headed into the open wastes, ever hopeful this journey will be short.

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