Erotic Adventures in the Omniverse: Vampire Lord got too many wives

Chapter 100  Obtaining Treasures

100  Obtaining Treasures

The Mind monster leaned against a bamboo, resting its injured body. But he failed to notice the movement of pupils of the severed head that was lying just a few metres away from it.

Jayden wanted the injured monster to let its guard down, as no normal human would have survived getting their body ripped apart like that. Jayden stopped his healing abilities so that the monster wouldn't notice anything strange.


After over ten minutes, the injured monster roared as if celebrating its victory and stood up on its remaining leg before walking towards Jayden's body, which now lay on the ground in pieces.


First, it picked his leg and swallowed it whole, then it walked towards his head and brought it closer to his mouth. Just as the Mind monster was about to swallow it, Jayden allowed his body to heal completely.

In an instant, his torse and limbs appeared, the injured monster was caught off guard, as Jayden moved his hands at lightning speed, directly piercing its stomach.


But just like before, Jayden's hands passed through it, as if its body was made of some liquid, Jayden pulled his hand back and when his hand was inside the monster's chest, he opened his palm leaving a small crystal inside the monster's body.


Jayden struck the monster's wrist and made it loosen the grip around his head. Then after getting out of its grasp, he uses Void Eye, to travel as far away from the monster as possible. While moving away he even teleported the corpses of all the other monsters that were lying around it.

At first, the injured monster stared at Jayden in confusion and shock, but then it noticed that something was wrong with its body, and before it could take out the small crystal out of its body, it exploded.


The scale of the explosion was much greater than what Jayden expected, he stared at his handiwork in awe. " How did you do it? " Anna asked in amazement.

" I used that Energy Accumulator crystal. " He replied absent mindedly.

" What? " Anna exclaimed, then After pausing for a couple of minutes she asked again: " Did you fill it with Yin Energy? "

" Yup, I wanted to try and see if it's a success. " He said while smiling ear to ear.

" You're crazy. Don't you know what would have happened if it exploded while you were filling the energy inside? With an explosion like that, you would definitely be dead. " Anna said, her tone a little angry.

" But it worked so it's fine, anyway, Yin Energy is much more stronger than I thought. " Jayden said, waiting for the explosion to die down completely. He takes out new clothes out of his storage ring, and after wearing them begins to pick all the necessary stuff from the ground.


After waiting for more than ten minutes, Jayden starts walking towards the centre of the explosion. Then reaching the centre, he saw the corpse of the Big monster lying in the centre of a huge crater.

Even with such an attack, its body was not torn to pieces, though it had died, its corpse wasn't much damaged. Jayden could only guess, what would have happened if the monster hadn't been injured, or if it hadn't let its guard down at the last moment.

" I believe it came from the world outside this Kingdom and it must've gotten injured while travelling inside. " Anna said.

" There are such strong monsters outside, then how is this Kingdom not affected by them? And how was it able to enter the Kingdom? " Jayden spoke, as he picked up the energy crystal, and began to inspect it.

The crystal was not damaged in the least, but on observing closely, a tiny scratch could be seen on its surface. He then placea the crystal back on Andrea.

" I believe that's one of the lowest ranked monsters in the outside world. " Anna said, her voice serious. " So, you should prepare carefully, before you decide to leave this Kingdom. "

" Mhmm, alright. Thanks~ " Jayden said with a smile.


The energy Jayden obtained from the mind monster was much more purer and large in quantity than the energy from the Azura snake, king of sucking Demons and other monsters.

Jayden then took the poison satch of the Azura snake and squeezed all its poison over Andrea, which absorbed all the poison. Then he stored the body parts of all the monsters in his storage ring.

Just as Jayden was about to leave, Anna called out to him:

" Search its brain too. "

Jayden nodded and split open the head of the monster with some effort, After searching for a second he found something solid in between the flesh of his brain. If it was before he would've been vomiting with just the sight of it, but now even touching the monster's brain didn't feel like much to him.

He took out the small yellow coloured stone, which had an irregular shape, and a strange type of energy was being emanated from it. After observing it for a while, Jayden asks:

" Anna, what is it? Is there some use to it? " " You'll know everything later, for now, you should just store it. You will definitely be able to use it in the future. " Anna spoke, not giving any absolute answers.

" Okay, then let's go deeper into the forest. " he then stores the strange stone in his storage ring, before turning to leave.

After that he began to run towards the centre of the forest, The remaining journey was quite peaceful, as most of the monsters in other territories were already dead, killed by either the Azura snake or the mind monster.

Occasionally he would come across corpses of monsters and humans, After taking his loot and absorbing their corpses, Jayden continued on his journey. After travelling for twenty minutes, Jayden finally reached the centre of the Golden Bamboo forest, and just as the name suggested, there were countless golden coloured bamboo in the centre of the forest.

" That 'Snow Dragon Fruit' must be somewhere around here. " Jayden used his Void skill to search the surroundings.

He soon felt a cold aura coming from inside a cave, After scanning the cave, Jayden steps into it. And after walking inside for a couple of meters, a fruit of the size of an apple came into view.

Jayden plucked the fruit carefully, before placing it inside his storage ring. Then he walked outside the cave, and just as he was about to turn into mist, he felt a strong surge of Yang Energy coming from one of the golden bamboos nearby. He walked towards it, and without inspecting it much, broke the bamboo, before taking the part that emitted the strong Yang Energy. He places it into his spatial ring, and then transforms into the mist form, as he flies back towards his sect.

" Maybe I should meet my mother after going back," he muttered to himself.

Jayden was not aware but after seeing the golden bamboo piece, Anna's expression changed, she couldn't believe so many treasures could appear in this small Kingdom.

And the appearance of that mind monster and sucking demons, deep inside the Kingdom in the forest, was already strange enough. Something big must be going on behind the scenes, she thought.



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