Daddy CEO's Beloved Wife

Chapter 127 "Don't Forget. You Murdered Her."

"I dare you to say that to your mother again!" Ran Mo Zheng bellowed as soon as he entered the room. His face was extremely red and he could already feel his blood pressure rising. "I thought you returned and attended the party because you've become sensible. It seems I was wrong! You still cause trouble wherever you go!"

"Honey, don't raise your voice too loudly. There are still people outside the hall and your illness might act up again." Mother Ran approached her husband and patted him on the back. Then, she looked at Ran Xueyi and said, "And you... you don't have to apologize to me. Just give me the original copy of that audio and video you have in your phone and I'll forgive you."

Ran Xueyi's eyes widened before she almost couldn't stop her laugh from coming out of her mouth. "Are you still daydreaming? Sorry, although you're my elder and my mother... I don't think you have any right to demand anything from me."

Hearing her response, Ran Mo Zheng was clearly upset and he glared at her as he pointed his finger at her. "You ungrateful child! We raised you in this house for so many years and yet, you can't even allow this simple request from your mother? Aren't you going to apologize to her? Isn't her demand only appropriate since she gave birth to you?"

Ran Mo Zheng didn't know why his wife wanted the audio file from Ran Xueyi. He was actually surprised that there was also a video. Unfortunately, he wasn't here when Ran Xueyi played the video, or else, he wouldn't be standing in front of her, but he would faint at the first sight of who was inside the video file.

In response to his words, Ran Xueyi raised an amused eyebrow before she slowly said, "You say I'm ungrateful? Why don't you speak for yourself? Have you ever said thank you to me for what I have done for this family? And why should I apologize to anyone? I have never done anything wrong that needs me to apologize to anyone."

"Are you perhaps talking about what happened outside?" Ran Xueyi sighed. "I can apologize."

Ran Yue and Yang Baihua's eyes lit up. Even Mother Ran was beaming when they heard her. It seems that before her father, Ran Xueyi still couldn't win against him.

,m Sadly, before their egos could even inflate like a huge hot air balloon, Ran Xueyi's next words stumped them out of their voices.

"Of course, an apology is only needed to be given to those who are affected because of what happened. After all, we wasted everyone's time." Ran Xueyi fixed and straightened her hair and stared at everyone before she said, "Alright, let's go out everyone."

Ran Yue was clueless as to what she wanted to do so she asked, "What are you planning to do now? Are you planning to release the video and let everyone watch it?"

She was scared shitless at the idea. There were more than a hundred people in the hall plus the entire party was being recorded live and many people were watching. If Ran Xueyi went out right now and let everyone watch it... there was really no need for her to wait for tomorrow's headlines to be reported because the moment everyone saw the video, she would never have any place in the entertainment circle anymore!

"Where are you going? Don't you dare leave this room!" Ran Yue demanded as she saw Ran Xueyi take a step towards the door.

"Where do you think? To apologize," said Ran Xueyi while beaming at her. "Father and Mother dearest begged me... As their daughter, isn't it only natural that I follow my parents' words?"

"Ran Yue, the more you grow older, the more your head can't seem to keep up with me. Are you really alright?"

Ran Xueyi expressed her concern for her younger sister, but her eyes were extremely dark and empty. When that pair of eyes landed on her, Ran Yue had the extreme urge to step back and run away.

Ran Xueyi saw her reaction and felt funny inside. At this moment, Ran Yue looked like a bunny who couldn't wait to hide away in its burrow.

Somehow, she couldn't help but have the desire to tease this scaredy cat and dull-headed sister of hers.

"Ah, that's right..." Ran Xueyi's eyes lit up as if she just thought of a brilliant idea. The people outside this room seem to be quite interested to see a show... Why don't I let them see a good one as compensation for wasting their time?"

"Isn't that a genius idea, mother?"

Mother Ran's heart took another leap. Since when has Ran Xueyi learned how to be this vicious? Where did she get this maliciousness that they never saw her show to them? Is this even the daughter that she thought was sensible and was easy to control?

With only her words, Ran Xueyi was able to use their words against them. If it were the previous Ran Xueyi they knew, she would never treat them like this. On the contrary, Ran Xueyi would even willingly give up and break any evidence left behind without another word. She would listen to every word they say even if she knew that it would make her look miserable.

"Don't stare at me like that, mother." Ran Xueyi suddenly said as though she could guess what was inside her mother's thoughts. A cruel and indifferent smile was on her lips. "No matter where you look and how long you look at me, you won't find that easily bullied and controlled daughter named Ran Xueyi in the past."

She let her eyes roam at everyone while saying, "Don't forget. You murdered her the moment you lied to her."

"For now, I will be leaving this house. Being in the same place and breathing the same air you all breathe makes me want to vomit," she continued her steps and headed towards the door. But she stopped just when her hands hovered above the door knob. "I forgot to mention... From now on, you all don't have to pretend as if we're a big, happy family. You all can try your hardest to scheme and deal with me."

She turned around one last time and smirked. "But I cannot guarantee you will be able to win nor survive."

Then, without waiting for them, Ran Xueyi had already pulled open the door, leaving the people who cheated her out of her life and made her live a miserable life in a doll house, stunned and dazed at her brilliance and the halo surrounding her.

Seeing the door finally shut close, everyone seemed to have woken up from their shock and started to panic. They let Ran Xueyi out of the room without a fight. Who knows if she really did play the video in front of everyone in the party.

Ran Yue couldn't let her do that. She moved her numbed feet towards the door, wanting to pull Ran Xueyi back inside and keep her detained in the house for as long as possible. However, before she could even reach the door, Chang Ya and Chang Xin blocked her.

"You two! Get out of my way!" Ran Yue tried to push them away, but who knew that the two who wouldn't even budge. "I said get away!"

"I don't want to," said Chang Ya while she put her hand on her hips. Then, she turned to her brother and complained, "Brother, my legs are numb. They're hard as a rock. I don't think anyone can move me from this spot."

Chang Xin knew what his sister was playing ang also played along with her.

Patting her head, he dotingly said, "Alright... You can stand there for as long as you want. Big brother is here to protect you."

As if to prove that he would protect his sister from anyone who dared to come and take her away from where she stood, Chang Ya stepped in front of her and blocked anyone from advancing forward.

Ran Mo Zheng and Lu Jing knew that this young boy was young, but he was also the captain of the national karate club of their school. He wasn't only adverse with martial arts and other vigorous activities, he also excelled and took several black belts and trophies from different competitions around the country at a very young age.

Would they even dare fight this overprotective twin brother?

The three looked at Yang Baihua. He was their only hope. However, Yang Baihua looked away and acted as if he didn't sense their gaze.

Forget about it... even Yang Baihua stood no chance to compete against Chang Ya.

The twin successfully blocked the bunch of clowns bouncing around the place and wanted to chase after their big sister Ran Xueyi. Though, there was no need to since Ran Xueyi already stepped into the crowd and walked away from the party the moment they recovered from their shock.

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