Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 128: 127Talent and Inspiration

Chapter 128: 127Talent and Inspiration

Chapter 128 127. Talent and inspiration

Time passes while waiting.

In the Dark Water, the process of tutoring Berengar on the knowledge of witchers has lasted for five days.

During this period, Lan En asked the lady in the lake's messenger when the official work would start, but the answer he got was:

"The lady and her friends are making preparations. They must ensure that Dagon leaves no trace behind when he disappears, and they must ensure that you can defeat his body on the physical level. If not, it will be the death of the entire world. Something that no living thing wants to see.

Be patient, witcher. You should get used to the sense of time as an immortal.

Lan En didnt know if it was an illusion.

He always felt that when the messenger said "immortal seed", he was not referring to the hundreds of years of life of the witcher.

but a longer concept.

Triss also visited this small village.

She came out of the portal and instantly cast a protective shield magic behind her, which seemed to block someone back.

Foltest has seen and tasted countless women in his life.

His insights are indeed accurate.

Trisss face was flushed when she came to Lan En.

She never hides her pursuit of power and the use of power to realize the value of life.

Over the past few days, she had received attention and kindness from the court that she had never even imagined before.

In the past days, those dignitaries would be polite when meeting her, but they would never talk about the power and responsibilities in their hands, and they would never ask a sorceress for her opinion on an issue unless it related to magic.

She once thought that those smiling faces meant kindness, and those sincere greetings meant attention.

But now she realized that the dignitaries had been focusing on her thoughts, and they had tried every possible means to shift the topic to her when they were chatting and laughing in a circle.

This is called respect.

Respect from power.

This is a hundred times more powerful than the strongest aphrodisiac in the world!

When she came to Lan En, the young witcher almost felt like she was watching a movie.

Different from Margarita's mature beauty, Tris's beauty has a bit of girlish vitality.

When she only had room for one person in her eyes and walked towards him with flushed cheeks and a smile on her lips, Lan En felt that they were like characters in a school youth drama.

It has to be an American-style campus youth drama.

After all, as we all know, in American plots, a qualified cheerleader and football captain should not only have sweet love in the face-to-face scene.

There should also be a passionate desire!

Lan En really believed at that moment that Triss would pull him to spend a whole week in bed.

Just thinking about it makes me a little excited.


But in the tavern, Aaliya could not help but shiver, but after all, she did not let things develop in an unknown direction.

For a lively little girl, the atmosphere just now really gave her goosebumps.

On the other hand, Berengar next to her was dissatisfied and knocked Aaliya on the head with a large wooden cup filled with beer.

The naughty kid is really in the way! Your Excellency is watching the excitement. Leave it here.

Lan En didnt dare to let Triss stay too long, so after unloading the materials Triss brought for his alchemy study, he urged her to go back.

By the way, what happened to the gangsters who were dealt with by Stetsa?

While sending Triss away, Lan asked.

The sorceress was like a carefree student girl, walking behind him with her hands behind her back.

"Foltest privately executed the leaders of the gangs who knew and were involved in too much. But gangs always rise and reorganize. They are a supplement to economic activity, and although they look annoying, there are still things in the city. It really cant be less.

Triss said insightfully.

Lan Enxin said, dont show off your little political knowledge in front of me.

Lets leave aside the necessity of gangsters here!

But looking at Triss who was happy and cheerful, he chuckled and did not want to use modern eyes to judge a witch who grew up in the Middle Ages. Seemingly seeing that Lan En was interested in this aspect, Triss thought about it and gave a piece of information.

But just in the past few days, the Snake Fang Gang, which manages the labor force, has been reorganized. I heard that a wild mage has become their leader, and the Snake Fang Gang has been renamed Saloman Snake.

Very good. Lan En nodded indifferently. "At least in terms of naming, I think this wild mage is better than the previous leader."


After Triss left, Lan En and Berengar reinvested in tutoring on witcher knowledge.

Mentos, update recipe library.

The order has been confirmed, and the formula library update items[Black Blood], [Dancing Star Bomb], [Little Mist Demon Decoction], [Residue Oil].

Berengar is holding a datura root in his hand and explaining.

This plant looks a bit like ginseng, but also a bit like a shrunken human figure.

Because its growth environment prefers shade and humidity, it often coincides with the location where corpses are found. It is even said that the corpse fluid of the dead person gave birth to this plant.

Hence it is considered an elemental symbol of death in many alchemical writings.

Lan En and Mentos entered Berengar's explanation into the database and followed his ideas to learn more about the alchemy of demon hunters in this magical world.

In this magical world, the underlying logic of alchemy seems like a dream, but it is real and effective.

The construction of the world view of the five elements of earth, water, wind, fire, and spirit is involved in the design and blending of every bottle of potion and every drop of sword oil.

It is this worldview that Lan En wants to understand.

With a world view and basic logic, he can use the help of magical power to innovate and achieve goals that transcend the times

Create Space Marine augmented organs.

If calculated according to the objective process of technological development, Mentos uses the technological level of Lan En's home world as the benchmark.

It judged that at the level of materials science and biology that can basically complete the exploration of the galaxy, Lan En's home world may be able to create a second heart, bone strengthener, and semi-finished muscle strengthener in the laboratory at any cost. .

Which **** can afford to wait?

So currently, it seems that the most feasible method is to take advantage of the [Biochemical Technology] inherited from the Emperor's Children.

Exploring the feasibility of self-creating Space Marine enhanced organs through magical and alchemical power.

The frontier field of magical alchemy in this world has advanced to the cultivation of somatic cells for medical use.

It is feasible for Lan En and Mentos to advance to the creation of organs on this basis.

Especially now, the talent from the Emperor's Children is giving Lan En deeper confidence.

Sir, the effective content of the plant has been calculated. The refining of [Maribo Forest] should be increased by a quarter of the overall dosage, in order.

Data is churning in the brain, and Mentos is calculating non-stop. According to its instructions, the production of this potion will definitely be successful.

But Lan En wants more than just success by sticking to the rules, but perfection that pushes the boundaries.

Lan Ens cats eyes were sharp and captured several pieces of data in the waterfall of data on his retina.

Fantastic inspirations and perceptions seemed to burst out of my mind.

He instantly understood the logical core of the potion formula when it was formulated.

The core attribute of the formula is the flowing wind, which represents the transfer of matter and energy. Wind is on the surface of earth, and earth represents a solid body.

"The combination of these two attributes creates the ability of [Maribo Forest] to quickly rejuvenate. However, there is no 'water' in the cycle that is responsible for the transformation of matter and energy, so when taking [Maribo Forest], some of the weakened The muscles will be dissolved by excessive exercise."

Then I think I can make some changes

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