Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 128

Chapter 128

"Calm down." Yan Xu said seriously: "such a level of existence doesn't care to feed on human beings at all. Even those strange animals below can't raise any interest in it. Otherwise, do you think we will have life to talk here?"

"Yes, human beings are too small in front of it. If it is hungry, no one in the gathering place will feed it, it will not be enough to stuff its teeth." Tang Shi has calmed down, "they have their survival circle, and the competition for survival will only be more fierce than ours."

Looking down again, the strange beast that was just hitting qitianteng crazily had already run clean, leaving only two seriously injured black moon giant lizards.

It's a good chance. They quickly slide down from qitianteng, ready to take some booty and run away.

Qin lie's fear had not been overcome, and he slipped down and fell.

Tang Dynasty and YanXu have calmed down. Qin lie's psychological quality is not as strong as theirs, so he can only follow them in silence.

In Tang Dynasty, he kicked the twilight wild boar whose soul was torn up by the wolf ghost beast and said to Qin lie, "don't you want to eat wild boar? This kind of dusk wild boar is very delicious. It's much better than Shiya wild boar. Come on, let's take some back to have a taste. "

In the Tang Dynasty, he could only use food to divert Qin lie's attention.

In the Tang Dynasty, I picked a few fat dusk wild boars and made them into material cards for easy carrying.

As soon as Qin lie saw that Tang Shi could turn such a big dusk boar into a card, he became interested and yelled for Tang Shi to teach him.

In the Tang Dynasty, there were too many prey here for the three of them to eat for a long time. Of course, the Yuan energy crystals in these exotic animals can't be wasted. Although they can't use them, they can be used as currency in the future.

Those monsters have the strongest sense of crisis. As soon as they find danger, they run away. It's cheap for them in Tang Dynasty.

Of course, they don't want everything, such as giant toads and ghost crawlers. They can't take them back and eat them. They don't have much valuable materials. The most they collect are Twilight wild boar, earthquake rhinoceros, jungle cheetah, two black moon giant lizards that were seriously injured, and the other one was killed by YanXu.

The three are all level 9 creatures. No matter whether the meat is delicious or not, the skin of the black moon giant lizard is a good thing. Although the three black moon giant lizards are scarred, it should be enough to make three sets of armor.

After clearing the battlefield, they didn't stay any longer. It was getting late and they had to leave before night came.

It's another marathon after crossing the peak fire ridge. Fortunately, Qin lie's injury has been recovered under the action of Yuan Neng Jing, and he can run and shout.

When they get out of fenghuoling, it's already dark. Find the SUV, leave here quickly and drive to a relatively safe area.

In the Tang Dynasty, I looked at the evolutionary seeds in the small lattice, and then looked at a pile of yuanneng crystals in another small lattice. In the third small lattice, there were many exotic material cards. There were too many cards in the card bag, so I had to put them in the small lattice. The harvest this time is so great that there are no casualties Oh, only Qin lie was hit by a wild boar. This is Qin lie's eternal pain. No one is allowed to mention his rib broken by a wild boar.

Yan Xu glanced at Tang Shi and asked: "are you so happy?"

"Of course, the harvest is too big, and it's much smoother than I expected!" Tang Shi excitedly said: "I have two servant cards. The ghost knight is already level 9. It doesn't need to be upgraded. The vicious blacksmith, as a legendary orange card, has only level 2. It has to be upgraded. I need a big evolutionary seed, and the other two of you."

Qin lie ruffian cocked his leg and said, "I don't know where I will evolve after eating. If I can't make me look more handsome, I'd better not eat, so as not to become a monster two meters tall."

In the Tang Dynasty, he laughed. Not long ago, Qin lie was worried about why he had only three-quarters of the blood of animal spirits. Where was the fourth?

Tang told him that if he was one hundred percent of the beast spirit people, he would be at least two meters tall.

This scared Qin lie to death. He is very narcissistic and thinks that he is just right tall now. He can easily kiss his sister. NIMA can get him a height of more than two meters. What's the monster? I'm afraid of bumping my head when I enter the room. I'm still the most perfect in height. I need to keep it up.

Tang Shi laughs and looks at Yan Xu again, "your angry owl beast only has 8 levels. You need to upgrade one level to use the upgrade card and let it enter the Hero stage."

When Yan Xu saw that Tang Dynasty was so happy, he said, "angry owl beast is just a purple epic quality, which is not as important as your vicious blacksmith's. It's rare for evolutionary species to appear, and he doesn't want to waste it. When there are cards that he especially wants to preserve in the future, Yan Xu's theory is also reasonable. Angry owl beast is just a servant card that can attack. Its quality is not the best, and its function is limited The species of evolution is so important that YanXu should be careful. The vicious blacksmith of the Tang Dynasty must be improved, otherwise he can only make armor in the awakening period. Only when he reaches the heroic period can he make armor in the heroic period, which is very critical. "

Yan Xu dun dun, just another way: "I want to eat one.""Well, with your luck, you can definitely raise your qualification to a higher level what the fuck! Isn't that the legend level? " Tang and Qin lie as like as two peas, and learned his words, even in a tone.

Yan Xu looked at Tang Shi with a smile, "try it, I hope you don't waste an evolutionary seed."

They found the highest place in the wilderness, parked their car on it and prepared to settle here tonight.

As the saying goes, if you stand high, you can see far away. The location is open and the terrain is flat. Even if there is danger, they can evacuate quickly.

Two of the three have rich experience in the wild, and their strength is strong enough. Naturally, they dare to sleep in the wild, but they are still very careful. For example, the light source and the smell of blood are the biggest taboos. Naturally, they will not knowingly commit crimes.

With the help of moonlight, each person eats a piece of stewed meat. He cuts the meat with a dagger in his hand and chats while eating. I don't know whether it's Qin lie's joining or Tang Dynasty's untiing the knot. The whole person is much more cheerful than before, which makes YanXu very happy. It seems that the carefree Tang Dynasty has come back.

"I can't wait to see it. Eat, eat YanXu, you eat less, or you can't eat such a big evolutionary seed. What can you do? I'll give you the biggest one. Don't let Qin lie and I down. Try to hit the target

In Tang Dynasty, he moved the piece of stewed meat to him and shared it with Qin lie. Instead of letting Yan Xu eat it, he took the biggest evolutionary seed out of the small lattice and handed it to Yan Xu. He asked him to figure out how to break it. The shell was too hard. Qin lie stopped the meat and said, "I wish you grow to two meters!"

Tang Shi said with a smile: "how far do you think he is from two meters? Even if it's two meters long, it's still the same handsome! "

Yan Xu's hand, which is carrying the evolutionary species, slips and stabs him in the thigh. When he turns to look at Tang Dynasty, he doesn't seem to realize that he has said anything serious. He is talking with Qin lie without a word.

When Qin lie heard that his favorite brother Tang praised YanXu Shuai, he was not happy. "Lying trough, you can't be so eccentric. Why don't you praise me? How can I not be worthy of your praise for such a handsome young man as I am? "

In the Tang Dynasty, he looked Qin lie up and down, then said, "do you really want me to praise you?"

Qin lie nodded, "must boast."

Tang Shidao: "then I will tell the truth?"

Qin lie: "just say it."

Tang Shi said seriously: "with your delicate skin, red lips, white teeth, curly and slender eyebrows, you can't be a handsome character. At most, it's Jun, well, it's pretty. It's a typical little demon to be accepted! The praise is over. "

Qin lie's face was at a loss. "What is the evil of Xiaoshou? Are you praising me? How do I sound weird? "

Tang patted his handsome face, "I'm just praising you and eating your meat."

Qin lie did not give up, and continued to ask: "is that my good-looking or YanXu good-looking?"

Tang Shi said: "in terms of good-looking, it was you at that time, but you are not as handsome as he is, and you are not as manly as he is."

"Damn it!!! It's dead! Where does Laozi have no masculinity? Don't believe you smell it, it's all manly! Laozi's is the most popular small fresh meat model nowadays. Beautiful women like it. Why can't you say I can't match him? " Qin lie was very dissatisfied.

"Well, OK, you are the most handsome, you are the most manly, OK, continue to eat meat." Tang Dynasty appeased him immediately.

Everyone knows that this is perfunctory, but Qin lie still feels uncomfortable. He stares at YanXu outside the car and has a good look. He compares it secretly. He is really masculine. Isn't he masculine enough?

YanXu seems to be trying to pry open the seeds of evolution, but in fact, his ears are standing long and eavesdropping on them. When he hears Tang praising him for being handsome and masculine, YanXu's heart is about to fly with joy. He is so excited that he pierces the seeds of evolution and finally breaks them!

He pretended to be serious and said he had not heard them at all. "OK, open it."

Tang Dynasty and Qin lie both got off the train to witness the miracle.

Under the black and hard shell is the white and tender flesh like litchi. The shell is very thick, and the flesh inside is not very big. At most, it is the size of a bowl.

In order to ensure that the energy does not lose, YanXu does not delay, holding up on the big bite, a few big mouthfuls of the evolution of the species to eat.

There was a mistake in the Tang Dynasty. The evolutionary species didn't support their stomachs at all. Although they were full of juice, after swallowing it, they turned into warm energy and swam in the body. After eating a whole grain, the full energy in the body seemed to run out with the breath. They subconsciously raised their hands to cover their mouths and noses, so as not to let the energy leak out.

This feeling of expansion and blazing is like a solar system compressed in the body, and each cell is filled with infinite power, as if he could blow a strong wind with one breath, and crack the ground with one clap, and the tsunami was raging.

Yan Xu closed his eyes and felt the powerful power. The power slowly penetrated into his blood. After every blood cell was full of energy, it was transferred to Yan Xu's bone. The bone was nourished by the energy, and its color was brighter, as if it had been plated with a layer of gold. When the bone was also full of power, it continued to penetrate into the bone marrow, In the end, not only blood, bone and bone marrow are transformed by energy, but also every inch of muscle and skin are strengthened!This process of cultivation is the beginning of new life!

He is no longer the original YanXu, now he is full of infinite power in his body, speed, defense, perception have been maximized, all conditions in him are like magnified several times with a magnifying glass, this powerful feeling, let YanXu exultation.

Tang Shi looked at him nervously, his eyes were wide open.

Qin lie made the same expression.

Two people are almost the same height, the same delicate, handsome extraordinary, the only difference is their temperament.

Qin lie suddenly called out: "lying trough! Your eyes are golden! It's like transformers turning on the power

But Tang Shi exclaimed with ecstasy, "it's a success! I see gold!! What kind of luck are you having! Even such a tiny chance can be hit by you! "

Yan Xu smile on his face, there will be golden energy between breathing, it looks funny.

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