After Divorce: Pursued by Cohabiting Boss

Chapter 106: Any one

Chapter 106

Li Zhen dared not look inside the studio, unsure of how many people were paying attention to them.

Li Zhen swiftly escaped from the studio.

Once outside, Li Zhen felt a sense of relief.

She took out her phone, intending to hail a taxi, when she heard Lu Yanming's deep voice from behind, "I'll give you a ride."

"No need, Mr. Lu. I'm afraid I'll dirty your car," Li Zhen said, forcing a smile that didn't look pleasant.

The situation was simply awkward.

She didn't even spare a thought to how others might gossip about her and Lu Yanming.

"But aren't you worried about dirtying a taxi?" Lu Yanming's lips curled into a faint smile as he calmly observed her.

Li Zhen:...

Well, it seemed equally awkward in either scenario.

Li Zhen stood beside Lu Yanming's car, torn between lifting the suit jacket and sitting on the seat or just sitting down without bothering about the suit.

In any case, both the car and the suit would end up dirty.

Before she could think it over further, her body suddenly lifted into the air.

Lu Yanming carried her horizontally and gently placed her on the seat.

With a click, Lu Yanming fastened her seatbelt and said, "So, you were standing there without moving because you wanted me to carry you?"

Li Zhen's face turned slightly red, and she muttered softly, "No, Mr. Lu."

Lu Yanming chuckled lightly, walked around to the driver's seat, and started the car.

Midway, Li Zhen finally realized that she didn't have any sanitary pads at home and needed to buy new ones.

She didn't know if the suit was stained and she was even more reluctant to go to the crowded supermarket.

Li Zhen turned her head and looked at Lu Yanming, who was driving. "Mr. Lu, can you do me another favor?"

Lu Yanming's pale hand gripped the steering wheel as he glanced at her, peering into her clear and bright eyes.

Lu Yanming stood by the supermarket shelves, his gaze scanning the rows of feminine hygiene products.

He pondered for a while, uncertain about which one to buy. He took out his phone, snapped a photo, and sent it to Li Zhen.

Li Zhen immediately replied: [Any one will do.]

Lu Yanming: [Circle the one in the picture.]

Sitting in the car, Li Zhen selected her usual brand from the photo Lu Yanming sent and sent it back.

Back in college, she had heard some girls say that it was a blissful thing when their boyfriends bought sanitary pads for them during awkward moments.

Although Lu Yanming wasn't her boyfriend, just her convenient contractual husband, having someone help her at this moment did feel quite nice.

Lu Yanming returned quickly, stuffing a large bag into her arms, and stepped on the accelerator, heading to Li Zhen's current residence.

A faint pain emanated from her lower abdomen as Li Zhen held her stomach and looked out the window.

She didn't want Lu Yanming to see her like this; it was a bit embarrassing.

Upon arrival, Li Zhen got out of the car and waved to the person inside, "Thank you, Mr. Lu."

After saying that, Li Zhen started walking.

But she heard the sound of the car door closing behind her.

She turned around and saw that Lu Yanming had caught up with her in a few steps.

Surprised, Li Zhen looked at him and said, "Mr. Lu, you..."

"My suit is still on you." Lu Yanming's expression remained unchanged, as if he was merely stating a fact.

Rather than wanting to enter her home, he said it as if it were a reason.

Li Zhen lowered her head to look at the suit on her body, hesitated for a moment, and silently defaulted to allowing Lu Yanming to follow her upstairs.

Upon returning home, the first thing Li Zhen did was quickly take a shower and change her clothes.

As she entered the living room again, Lu Yanming was in the kitchen.

A sweet aroma of red date soup filled the room.

Li Zhen stood at the doorway of the kitchen, watching Lu Yanming with his back to her, and she knew what he was doing.

He must have noticed that she wasn't feeling well, so he was making the soup for her.

That top-notch husband of hers was exuding his damn charm again.

"Have you changed your clothes?" Lu Yanming turned around and glanced at her before continuing to stir the soup with a porcelain spoon. "Wait for two minutes, have some soup before going back to the studio."

Li Zhen nodded.

She realized that she had become accustomed to Lu Yanming's kindness.

In summary, it was probably because Lu Yanming never gave her a chance to feel otherwise.

During these few days she stayed here, Lu Yanming would always find various small things to forcefully enter her life.

On the first day, he sent her a message at night, saying, "It's going to rain tomorrow, Zhen Zhen, remember to bring an umbrella."

If it was someone else checking up on her, Li Zhen thought, she might never forgive them.

But Lu Yanming stayed up late and prepared a PowerPoint presentation, and her anger dissipated without her realizing it.

His persistent messages made her feel even more unable to find a foothold for her anger.

The next day after work, it indeed rained heavily.

Lu Yanming sent a message, "I'm waiting for you in the basement. It's pouring, and I'll take you home."

She deliberately chose to ignore it.

An hour after getting off work, Lu Yanming sent another message, "Since you didn't come, I've already gone home. Don't worry about me."

Li Zhen had actually been worried that he would foolishly wait for her.

Lu Yanming was like a mind reader, always grasping the perfect measure and never burdening her too much.

On the third day, when she arrived at her doorstep after work, she found a thermal insulation box.

She opened it and found that it was filled with individually packed meals in thermal pots.

The fragrance wafted out, making the neighboring child cry from hunger.

Those thermal pots were all too familiar to Li Zhen.

They were from the Huayang Mingmen household.

And she was all too familiar with that fragrance.

Did Lu Yanming not go to work in the afternoon? He stayed at home and prepared the meals?

Li Zhen, her roommate, and her roommate's boyfriend couldn't finish the box of meals.

Lu Yanming was working so hard to ensure that she, his tool wife, wouldn't be lost.

"Mr. Lu, you have a wealth of life experience. How did you learn that girls need to drink brown sugar water during their period?" Li Zhen looked at his skillful actions and praised him.

"Zhen Zhen, your words sound like you're testing whether I've had a girlfriend before," Lu Yanming glanced at her, his gaze shallow.

"I'm just making small talk," Li Zhen evaded his gaze.

Last time in the kitchen, when she asked him if he had someone he liked, Lu Yanming only replied with two words: "You guess."

Li Zhen didn't know why, but she suddenly became curious about whether he had ever dated someone and if he currently liked someone.

This thought popped into her mind out of nowhere, making her itch to know the answer.

"Are we dating now?" Lu Yanming suddenly asked.

Li Zhen paused for a moment, "Of course not."

"Then I've never dated anyone," Lu Yanming took a bowl and added soup to it with a raised hand.

As he raised his hand, his sleeve pulled up, revealing his wrist with prominent knuckles. Faint veins floated and extended into the sleeve.

Every gesture exuded the unique charm of a charismatic man, accompanied by a blend of warmth and considerate husband-like qualities. Surprisingly, this harmonious combination of tenderness and assertive aura, infused with the hormones of masculinity, emanated from Lu Yanming.

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