A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 114: Different

Chapter 114: Different

The match between Patrick and Alice.

Alice released a water jet while Patrick created a wall of fire in defense. His expression showed a level of ease incomparable to who he was before.

Is that the power of the spirits?

This is my power.

Fufu, do you mean that? What do you regret relying on the spirits? Its a big decision isnt it?

Patrick just looked back at her calmly.

Theres no use provoking me Alice. This power was extremely difficult to obtain and even now its hard to use. I put in a lot of effort to gain control of it, you cant break my confidence.

Alice was ready.

Fine, then Ill make you feel doubt instead. Im going to rip that confidence away!

When Alice finished speaking Patricks fireshield began to crawl across the ground towards her.

Your magic certainly looks better, but its slow.

Then Alice ran away, the fire followed after her but she ran away smiling.

Distorted water flow

A water whip appeared in Alices hand.

I understand you magic now!

Alice turned around swinging her whip at the wall of fire, water vapor rose up around her lowering visibility as she moved side to side extinguishing Patricks flames.

What are you going to do now Patrick? If this is the best youve got then I can easily prevent it!

Then Sarah appeared above Patrick while Yui appeared at his side. Alice was curious about what the spirits were going to do and increased her vigilance.

Patrick? What are you waiting for? Her guard is up.

Sarah said.

I know, also Im not going to use Sarahs power, just Yuis.

..Ok, take care of this for me Yui.

Ok! I will do my best for the princess!

Sarah smiled and disappeared.

Ok Yui, just like we practiced. Fuse our magic together in a 6:4 ratio.

Ok! Yui is 4 right?


Salamanders rejection!

A magic circle appeared at Patricks feet as his own red flame and Yuis orange flame burst out of his body and combined in the sky. The sight of this wiped the smile of Alices face.

Waters iron mallet!

Alice responds to Patrick with advanced magic, albeit on the low end of advanced magic.

Color me surprised! Who knew you could already use this level of magic!

Im still holding back.

Although in reality Patrick was trying his best.

Yuis flame is highly suitable for fusion magic, as her magic helps promote the stability of the hosts magic. This is the real reason why Sarah chose her for Patrick.

Lets do this Yui!

No problem!

The flame grew more intense as it headed for Alice. Alice fired the huge ball of water that sat above her in retaliation.

Water is still superior! Ill extinguish that fire!

You cant put out this fire with such weak water magic.


The fire and water collided in the middle of the field, there were no tricks in this fight just a pure comparison of power. Alice was sending more magic towards her waterfall while Patrick didnt feel any tension, rather he felt he could overcome Alice without using more MP.

Youre still the same!

Alice knew she couldnt win, She had been training everyday with her attendant in preparation for the school matches but it wasnt enough to beat Patrick.

Sorry Alice, but its my win.

Patricks Fireball engulfed Alices water and vaporized it.

Yeah, I guess it cant be helped.

The two talked as Alices magic disappeared.

Patrick may have been a prince but he had been weak. However he never stopped trying to grow stronger even when he was beaten and bullied by his seniors. During this no one other than Alice ever talked to him.

Alice couldnt forgive Razhousen for being such a small country after expelling her family. Above all she couldnt forgive Patrick, although she still hoped that Patrick would be stronger than anyone. She was the only person who had talked to him other than Nito.

Alice..thank you.

What are you talking about all of a sudden? Its creepy.

But Alice was smiling.

You inspired me, so thank you.

You say some weird things. I just couldnt stand seeing such an unworthy Prince like you.

Alices magic finally completely disappeared and Patricks fire moved towards her.


They stared at each other for a moment.

Oh well, even if I lose I guess theres always next year.

Alice raised her hand.

I Alice Cresta, admit my loss.

Patricks flame dissipated and scattered into the air. Then cheers rose up from the audience.

The winner is, Patrick Razhousen!

Patrick had advanced to the semi-finals and his next opponent, was Nem.

Im going to win.

The match was over but Patricks eyes blazed with confidence.

The principal appeared in front of Patrick in the tunnel leading to the waiting room. It was dim and chilly and their voices echoed.

That was amazing Patrick. But you know why Im here dont you?

Patricks expression clouded, he had no idea.

Spirit magic is a magic created by Adams to remove the abyss from this world. Depending on its use it can be a danger to this world.

Patrick realized why Sabrina was there.


Sarah appeared next to Patrick in the tunnel.

Thats the spirit queen isnt it?

Patrick panicked as a line of sweat ran down his forehead. Why did Sabrina know who Sarah was?

Sabrina sighed and continued.

Entering the forbidden section is a good reason to expel you, on top of that you took the book. And then you even have the Spirit queen.

Sabrina sighed as she talked to herself frustrated.

However I will not question you. You are forbidden from talking about it, but it would be difficult to kick you out because of him. Have I made myself clear?

Patrick had been ready for expulsion when he heard her speak but she had surprised him. Who was the him she was talking about? The only person that came to mind was Nito.

..are you talking about Nito?

Ask him yourself, but I never thought that as a prince you would be so stupid.

I just.

You need to be more aware that youre a prince who will sit on the throne of Razhousen after Arnold.

Patrick couldnt say anything back but Sarah sure could.

I dont know who you are but would you mind not taunting Patrick.

Sabrinas expression said she didnt expect the spirit to speak.

This issue is between the student and his teacher.

Is that so? It sounds like there are some personal feelings mixed in if you ask me. But it was decided the moment Patrick formed a contract with me. In other words this is Adams will, it has nothing to do with you.

Sabrina closed her mouth in anger and glared into Sarahs eyes.

Stop messing with me. Ive said the right thing as the principal. I wont be made fun of by the likes of a spirit.

Blue flame erupted around Sabrina covering her body.

By the likes of a spirit? I think youre mistaken little girl.

Mistaken? Do you know what happens when a spirit harms a person?

You dont know anything do you? Adams who was of the human race, forbade us from harming humans. However that was just a teaching. However the spirit who recognizes the master servant relationship is not bound by that rule, according to the contractors will they can kill.

Sabrina realized she had misunderstood, although the public perception was that spirits couldnt harm humans that was not the case. She quivered in fear.

Sarah, stop.

Sarahs flame retreated back into herself according to Patricks will.

Sorry Principal, I just wanted power.

Patricks words were remorseful.

Even after being here for two years I could still barely use even basic magic. I couldnt face my dad like that.

Sabrina calmed down at Patricks words.

Principal, I promise you that Im different than Nito.


And Nito, youll see it someday. When I was being bullied he stepped into help me and was angry from the bottom of his heart. Hes my friend hes just too emotional, thats why one day..

Patrick bit his lip and stopped talking.

Excuse me.

Without saying anything else Patrick bowed to Sabrina and left.

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