A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 110: Professor Nito

Chapter 110: Professor Nito


In a single word, this person was blood. Every thing about this person reminded everyone of blood, but the most horrifying part was the demon mask that wrapped around his head.

Who.are you?

Kromuel was so afraid that his sword dropped from his hand.

Teleportation is really convenient, after clearing the dungeon I got the skill to enter from anywhere. I can then exit anywhere in my memory, it is limited to this world though, I tried.

In other words, by going through this dungeon I can go wherever I want. And I had just returned to the front gate of Halekuwait.

Whoare you?

In front of me was a snake man and a purple witch.is that the principal? Why is she bleeding? I looked around, oh Toas here too.

Toa Im b..ack.

However what I say was a pale dying Toa bleeding from her stomach.


I ran to her.


Toa didnt recognize me at first.

Its me! Its Nito!

I immediately healed Toa and cured her fatigue as well. Whats going on, what happened?

I asked Nem, it seems like she recognized me by my smell.


Toa gradually began to recover her strength. I should have been more cautious.

Whats with that mask, its kind of scary.

Haha, its new.

I laughed and compressed it into the earring.

Thats better.

I touched Toas cheek.

Ill finish this quickly so wait here.

Toa just smiled and looked into my eyes. Somehow I knew that the duo behind Mr was responsible.

Master look out!

Nem called out but I could feel it behind me, the feeling of being killed, a very strong killing intent.

Its ok Nem.

Something was being swung down on me.

Erosion wave


I looked back to see the snakeman holding a blade-less sword.

Its ok Nem, Toa is healed. Look after her ok, it would be helpful if you moved away as well.


Nem gradually calmed down.


I called to Sufilia and she turned to me.

Look after Toa with Nem, its ok now.

Sufilias expression changed back to her usual smirk.

I understand.

I healed the principal from a distance then looked back to Toa.


Toa just smiled as I pulled a gold ring from my storage.

Take this, its kind of like a protection amulet.

I put the ring in Toas finger and stood.

Youre from the empire?

Im Kromuel, a warrior of the empire.

The snake man was honest but the mage behind him just stared wide eyed as the principal approached.


Yes its me, are your wounds ok?

Yeah, dont worry. Thank you.

I see.

Theyre from the empire, they came after Toa.

After Toa? Why are they coming for my friends and not me?

It was the kings shield wasnt it?

Was it Raj? Last time thst guy was looking at Toa and Nem.

Nito, its embarrassing to say but, I dont have the power to protect this school.

Its fine. In exchange lift my ban on entering the room

That Im sorry but I cant.

Haha, it was just a joke.

Why am I laughing? It was strange but I felt like laughing.

That sword. Are you the one who cut Toa?

I asked the Snakeman.

Yes, in the name of the empire, Adventurer Nito

But I wasnt listening anymore, anger flowed out of me and the ground cracked at my feet. The earth shook growing stronger and stronger until the trees shook.

Mon, ster.

I wasnt laughing anymore.

Nito, calm down! At this rate the school will

I didnt care, Toa is my everything. No one, is allowed to hurt Toa.

Im going to kill you. But first Im going to hurt you so much that you beg for death.

The shaking was so strong that part of the school collapsed. It cant be helped, I hate them so much, more than I hated Aries.


The mask formed around my face as the snake man, the witch, and some of the onlookers all omitted out of fear.


Is she angry with me? Im just having some fun.

Nito, stop!

A voice called from behind me, I turned to look and my anger subsided.


Im ok, calm down.

She looked sad.

Master, were ok!


I looked back at the collapsed school and understood the situation. The snake man and witch were so afraid they couldnt look at me. I looked at the students gathered there and sawhostility?


A student stepped out and yelled at me.

This is a school. Its not a place for adventurers like you! If youre this strong what are you even learning here!?

I sensed sadness from Toa and Nem. Why are these students staring at us? Toa and Nem grew even sadder, did they like this school? I mean, I think I liked it too.

I had come to enjoy being a student, so I understood the emotion this boy felt. He was scared, scared to death.

Water jet!

When I turned the purple witch had cast magic at me.

Im talking.

I flicked the water away with my fist.


The witch was stunned.

Are we disturbing you?

I ignored the two from the empire and asked the student. He replied as though scared.

Thats right!

I see..

The other students seemed to feel the samewhy?

Nem, Sufilia, take Toa back to the room.

Nem made a strange face and Toa turned her eyes away.

Nito, dont act on you emotions. Youll regret it later.

Yeah.I know. Im calm now so you three wait for me.

The three of them disappeared back into the school building.


The two from the empire struggled but I lined them up parallel to each other, bound so they cant move.

I can kill them, but! The S rank adventurer Nito is going to teach you something!

I walked towards the students, the white arms dragging the empire people behind me.

What are you doing?

Holding class, this is a school after all.

The principal looked at me suspiciously as I stopped in front of the students.

W, what?

I looked into their faces.

Theres no need to be scared.

I began lecturing the crowd of students.

This is a good opportunity. You all will graduate from here eventually. Youll be Court mages, aides to a king, I dont know what lies ahead for you but Im sure it will be great.

I looked at the boy in front if me.

Whats your name.

R.r, Robert, Robert Kid.

Well then Robert, Ill teach you something good.

I saw the principal looking at me, it seems she knew what I was going to do and was angry.

L, let go!

The snake man screamed so I put more pressure into his restraints.


Dont be impatient, class has only just begun.

I spread my arms towards the students.

Im going to tell you guys the truth!

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