A Lucky Wife Born Again From a Farm Family

Chapter 3224: At the end of the full text, the Northeast War, you are all

Chapter 3224: At the end of the full text, the Northeast War, you are all

The end of Chapter 3224, the Northeast War, you are all heroes [2]

After hearing this, the other hostages also shouted: "Kill all the Qing soldiers and avenge us~"

Because of the torture, everyones voice was weak, but the combined voices of more than a hundred people made the shouts deafening.

Kill all the Qing soldiers and avenge us!

King Yi was furious when he heard this and shouted: "Stop their mouths!"

Yes. The Qing soldiers quickly stuffed the cloth **** they had just taken back into their mouths.

It was a pity that it was too late. The rebels who were lying under the city tower risking their lives heard the shouts and shouted towards the guards: "The last words of Magistrate Ye and the other hostages are to kill all the Qing soldiers and avenge us!"


"Received." The soldiers of the Death Soldier Battalion at the forefront hurriedly went to report to Meng Hong.

Meng Hong went to inform Qin Sanlang: "My lord, the last words of Magistrate Ye are to kill all the Qing soldiers and avenge them. More than a hundred hostages shouted this sentence together!"

After saying that, he raised his eyebrows and looked at the Northeast generals... Did you see that the hostages did not want to survive, but to seek revenge?

Liu Guangze choked with sobs and knelt down and said: "Please give the Duke of Qin the order to attack the city. We soldiers from the Northeast are willing to die as soldiers to break through the city gate and recapture Yangji Mansion!"

Hearing this, the Northeast generals and soldiers all knelt down and shouted: "We are willing to die as soldiers and attack the city for revenge."

With such a united will, of course Qin Sanlang would not wait any longer and immediately said: "Send the order, all armies attack the city and rescue people according to the plan!"

At the military order, the big drum not far behind him immediately sounded.

Dong dong dong!

The messenger shouted: "The Duke of Qin ordered the entire army to attack the city and save people!"

The nearby messengers heard the sound of the drums of the central army, and immediately beat the drums and repeated the military orders.

Not long after, within half a mile, everyone was saying this: "The Duke of Qin ordered the entire army to attack the city and save people!"

Before the official attack on the city, the messenger shouted to Young Master Wu: "Mr. Wu, your youngest son asked us to tell you that the women of the Ye family and the Wu family are all safe, so you can rest assured!"

After shouting several times, when the dying uncle Wu heard this, he relaxed and walked away without any worries.

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

Flints smashed into the city again, and black fire oil was **** that even Qingbing was afraid of.

There was a roar, and many soldiers were burned by the fire. The screams of ah rang through the walls of the city. This area was completely in chaos.

In addition to flint, Qin Sanlang also ordered people to put up sky lanterns... The sky lanterns contained Qin Mu's confession and commitment to the people in the city, as well as long arrows that were light but capable of killing people.

And these sky lanterns are also secret signals for hidden stakes in the city!

"General, Prince Yi, Qin Mu really ignored the safety of the hostages and attacked the city... The Qin thieves are indeed as cold-blooded as Wei Xiao, and they don't care about the lives of the hostages!" General Ji crawled over to report this time, and Mrs. Huoshi It was so violent that he didn't notice the Kongming Lantern for a while.

Seeing that he was so cowardly that he couldn't be helped up, Prince Yi wanted to sacrifice him to a flag, but he had to give an order: "Throw half of the hostages down the tower. If Qin Mu doesn't stop attacking the city, Magistrate Ye will be cut into pieces!"

He also said: "The Qing soldiers were divided into two groups. One group went to the city tower and used poison to attack the enemy from a distance; the other group went to the city gate and opened small holes in the city gate to release poison to poison the dead guardsmen who hit the city gate!"

"Yes." General Ji hurriedly made arrangements.


Bang, bang, bang!

Another group of hostages were thrown off the tower. But the hostages no longer had any fear, and only had indifference and disdain in their eyes. They stared at the Qing soldiers like ghosts seeking their lives, making them hairy.


The fear of the Qing soldiers made them laugh out loud. It was so scary that the Qing soldiers were so frightened that their hands shook and they cursed: "A bunch of bitches, you guys are laughing so hard, do you really think Qin thieves can kill us? What if the city can't be defended?" , we will abandon the city and escape in advance, there is no way we will die here...Yes, there is no way we will die here, we will take all your gold and silver back to Dongqing, and live a prosperous life!"

The more he talked, the more he felt guilty. Listening to the horrifying muffled laughter and the fierce sound of the siege, the Qing soldiers were so flustered that their feet were so weak that they could hardly move.

Kongming lantern, shoot down the lantern quickly! Prince Yi finally found the lantern and shouted, ordering people to shoot the lantern.

Unfortunately, it was too late. The hidden stakes who had been dormant in the city for more than half a year had already seen the signal and moved out in full force. They first eliminated the Qing soldiers guarding them, and then shot down a sky lantern to check the letters inside.

"It's a confession and a letter of commitment... It seems that what Duke Qin wants is for the people in the city to turn from hostages to warriors. Regardless of men and women, all take up arms to kill the enemy and avenge themselves." Fei Dagen said to his subordinates, and then He scolded: "Mom, I have suffered for more than half a year and was enslaved by the Qing thieves until I became an adult. This brat Jiawang finally brought Qin Guogong."

Fei Dagen is Fei Dacan's cousin. He was originally able to escape, but in order to regain the city, he led the team to stay.

He thought about the hardships he had endured in the city, and the seven-foot tall man almost shed tears. He wiped his face hard and said bitterly: "Hurry up, beat the gongs and drums, and inform the people in the city that the time has come to avenge blood. !

"Yes." The secret stakers under his command responded and divided into five teams, beating gongs, drums, suonas and cymbals. In short, they made some noise first, and then shouted together: "The Duke of Qin is attacking the city, write to us. I wrote a confession and promised to break the city and kill all the Qing soldiers to avenge our blood."

"Brothers and sisters, as long as you are still alive, don't shrink back. Take advantage of this opportunity to pick up a usable weapon, kill Qing Bing, and avenge yourself! The Qin Guild will ask for credit for you. Regardless of men or women, as long as you kill the enemy, you will be You can be given an official position and be given silver!"

They have been working in Yangji Prefecture for decades and are familiar with every street and alley here. They also know where the Dongqing people imprisoned Northeastern strong laborers, soldiers, and female slaves, and they specially go to these places.

Qianhu Qianhu, who was responsible for guarding the labor in the city, was very angry when he heard this and ordered: "Half of the soldiers and horses went out with poison, intercepted these dogs in three ways, and poisoned them as soon as possible!"

"Yes." Half of the Qing soldiers took the poison and left, following the sound to kill Fei Dagen and the others.

But Fei Dagen and the others were very good at escaping. The Qing soldiers couldn't catch them at all, but they plotted against them... After Fei Dagen spotted a group of dozens of Qing soldiers, he asked the suona player to use his voice to attract the Qing soldiers, and he Take the remaining hidden stakes and throw poison packets at the Qing soldiers.

Bang bang, the poison dispersed. The Qing soldiers were not dead, but they were dizzy and weak. The poison had taken effect on them.

Set poison arrows and kill them. The leader of the Qing soldiers shouted. After receiving the order, the rest of the Qing soldiers braved their dizziness and fired poison arrows into the alley.

However, Fei Dagen and the others had long since disappeared.

After a while, Fei Dagen and the others came around from other alleys to the back of Qing Bing... Swish, swish, swish, first hooked a few poisoned Qing Bings with hook ropes, and pulled hard, dragging Qing Bing who was almost unconscious. He came over and successfully found two packets of poison from them. He also took their crossbows and shot poison arrows at the stunned Qing soldiers.

Whoosh, bang!

The poison spread out, and dozens of Qing soldiers were poisoned and fainted completely.

Lin Jingui was stunned. He pointed to the alley and asked, "Uncle Dagen, are they really poisoned? Is this their poison? Didn't they take the antidote?"

"They must have eaten it, but they took the poison we used earlier, and the two poisons collided with each other. I couldn't resist it for a while... Wait for the twenty count, and when the poison has dissipated, go over and touch up." Fei Dagen suppressed his nervousness and counted. , after twenty counts, seeing that Qing Bing did not wake up, he immediately said: "Go up, directly to the neck, don't leave any further trouble."

Hey. The hidden stakes under his command immediately followed the instructions and quickly eliminated dozens of Qing soldiers.

Fei Dagen met Qingwen, found a lot of poison and antidote from Qingbing, and said: "This is the antidote, eat it quickly. Take the poison, put on their armor, pretend to be them, kill directly to the Wang family mansion, and make a scene big."

The Wang family was a local prominent family, and their large house was occupied by the Qing soldiers. Many laborers were trapped in the house making poison.

Capturing the Wang family's mansion will not only save laborers, but also obtain Dongqing poison, killing two birds with one stone.

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