A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 876: Wyldheart Industries & Sun Dragon

[Aisha Ashcroft's POV]

After showing Lucrezia the harem's apartment in Arkenvale, they returned to the capital to be close to Archer. Once they arrived at her mansion, some officials were waiting for her outside, ready to report.

Aisha asked Lucrezia to check on Archer while she dealt with everything else. The officials informed her that the first palace had finished being built and was skillfully decorated, which pleased the dragonkin woman.

The officials also informed her that they were getting a steady flow of wealth due to the citizens paying taxes. When Aisha went through the paperwork, something caught her eye, and the numbers didn't add up.

'Corruption! People are stealing from the kingdom,' Aisha internally thought but didn't let it show on her face.

She flicked through the papers and noted about twenty officials were embezzling the taxes they were collecting. When Aisha figured this out, she summoned the White Dragon Knights and ordered them to arrest the corrupt officials and bring them to Dragonhearts Prison so Archer could deal with them.

After that ordeal, Dellah appeared and said the Deep Sea Mining Platform designed by Farrah Everrose was ready to be deployed but needed protection. When Aisha heard this, she said the 1st Fleet would protect them.

Aisha sent a message to Olivia, who eagerly agreed. The older dwarf woman then invited her to witness it firsthand. Olivia agreed and followed Dellah outside, where a carriage awaited them.

They climbed in, and the driver began the journey to the naval base near Stormwatch Port, where they would be taken to the eastern side of Draconia, where Demetra found underwater veins, caves, and many other resources.

While in the carriage, Aisha looked at Delleh and asked with a smile, "How's Fianna doing? I heard she's helping with the seawall and has suggested some changes."

The older dwarf nodded, "She is a skilled organizer, but I think she'd do better aiding you, My Lady."

Aisha's eyebrow raised in curiosity, "What do you mean?"

"Her skillset will better enrich the kingdom and its people in the government instead of the Research Department," Dellah replied.

She nodded in agreement. "I'll handle it once we're back from checking on the Mining Platforms."

Following this, the duo boarded Archer's Pride, where Olivia greeted them with a warm smile. "My Queen, Miss Ironfoot, it's good to see both of you."

"It's good to see you too, Liv. Are you ready to escort the platform ship to the mining location?" Aisha inquired.

"Absolutely. Come to the bridge; we'll be there in a few hours," Olivia replied, leading them through the expansive warship.

Hours flew by while sailing to the spot they needed to set up, and they were now in the middle of a calm sea east of Draconia. The 1st Fleet surrounded the area while the mining ship set up the platform that was lowered into the water by earth mages.

Once it hit the surface, it glowed with mana and began to float as the Runes activated. The platform, as large as a football pitch, impressed the two women who observed the workers bustling about, setting it up.

Olivia turned to Aisha and asked, "What company is this? The white logo on their uniforms seems familiar."

Aisha nodded knowingly. "You're correct to recognize it. It's Archer's personal company that he established when Farrah gave him this idea."

Both women's eyes widened in realization. Dellah, curious, interjected, "What's its name?"

"Wyldheart Industries," Aisha revealed before elaborating. "I've assisted him with it. Currently, they're constructing airships, ships, and something called a train outside Dragonheart City."

"Why is he doing all that?" Olivia questioned.

"Archer believes that by aiding the people and enhancing their quality of life, they will be happier and lead longer lives. He knows they will praise him for the change, in turn proving to the common people that he's different from any other ruler," Aisha replied, watching the Wyldheart Workers diligently set up buildings across the platform.

The two women exchanged confused glances as Dellah questioned doubtfully, "What does he get out of it?"

Aisha burst into laughter. "Everything, ladies. He will gain everything. The projects he's working on are monumental. Once Draconia unveils these innovations, we will astound the world, and the wealth generated from his ideas will make him one of the wealthiest men on Thrylos."

She noticed that neither woman seemed to understand, so she explained it more clearly, "Archer's changes will be so profound that the quality of life will skyrocket, causing people to start worshiping him as the God Emperor he's destined to become."

"God Emperor? That means his ambition will lead him to become the scourge of the world;

they won't allow him to conquer it," Olivia muttered in disbelief.

"Do you think any nation can stand against our legions?" Aisha snapped, sensing their skepticism. "We currently command twenty full legions, four million devoted soldiers ready to lay down their lives at Archer's command!"

She gestured towards the warships surrounding them, "We possess six full battlefleets, Olivia! We're developing an air force with wyverns and other flying beasts. Our military might will be unmatched, and when Archer gives the order, we will sweep across the world and raise his banner over every capital on Thrylos."

"I won't rest until Archer fulfills his destiny," Aisha declared passionately. "He has millions of followers from the Fireheart Faith, which I started for him just for the coming war. The believers in Al-Maseeh At-Tinyan will reveal themselves as warriors, spreading blood across the world until he reigns supreme over all."

The two women nodded in agreement just before Olivia led them to the craft that would transport them to the platform under construction. When they arrived, they were astonished; it resembled a small town with sleeping quarters for the workers.

There were communal areas for dining and relaxation, which further surprised the three visitors. Aisha's smile widened as she noticed the workers appeared content. At that moment, Farrah emerged, guiding the busy workers and setting up the descending elevator.


[Kassandra, Demetra, Teuila and Hemera's POV]

Hemera soared over the vast expanse of the Avidia desert, her keen eyes scanning for any signs of an oasis. During her flight, the sun elf spotted several potential locations and dived down, only to be met by hordes of monsters fiercely guarding the Blue Glass source.

Disheartened, she returned to the group, where she found the three girls sitting on a rock surrounded by the corpses of slain monsters. As Hemera landed, she quickly relayed everything she had seen to the others.

Following that, the group of four traveled across the desert only to be bothered by random monsters. Kassandra used her tentacles to crush several Sand Golems. Demetra let out a mighty roar that momentarily halted the golem's advance.

Seizing the opportunity, she surged forward, her fists delivering a series of earth-shattering punches that resonated with explosive force, causing the golem to crumble. However, their relief was short-lived as more golems emerged from the sands, forcing the girls to retreat.

Kassandra shouted, "Back off! They keep coming, ladies!"

Most of them heeded her warning, but Hemera lost in the intensity of the battle and continued to unleash her flames while deftly dodging numerous attacks. Despite her agility, a few stone fists managed to land blows, sending her flying into a nearby dune.

The impact left the other three girls wide-eyed in shock. Teuila wasted no time and rushed towards Hemera, but suddenly, the ground began to tremble. As Hemera looked up, a massive creature engulfed her, causing her eyes to widen in terror as the others screamed in horror.

They all sprinted towards the gigantic Sandworm that had swallowed the sun elf, but dozens more creatures emerged, blocking their path. Teuila was panicking as Hemera was one of her best friends, but that's when she saw the worm that ate her glowing from the inside. The creature thrashed about as if in agony, its body bulging before it exploded in a burst of golden fire that shot into the sky, accompanied by an earth-shaking roar. Kassandra, Demetra, and Teuila watched in awe as their jaws dropped.

Teuila was stunned as she murmured, "She's a Sun Dragon! I thought they were only


Hemera's dragon form mirrored the others', but she radiated in golden flames. She dove swiftly, reducing two Sandworms to ash with searing attacks before pivoting to confront


The trio of girls erupted into cheers and whistles, their voices resonating with awe for the sun elf who effortlessly defeated their adversaries. As the last monsters fell, Hemera descended gracefully before them, dispelling her fiery aura to reveal a stunning golden dragon standing


Returning to her human form, Hemera was immediately embraced by Teuila, who squeezed her tightly in elation. Hemera smiled warmly and returned the embrace before Demetra and Kassandra approached with their smiles.

The four of them headed toward the Oasis and started collecting most of the Blue Grass they needed for Archer. Once they got enough, they rushed back to the shore while Hemera smiled.

They encountered only a dozen monsters, allowing Hemera to unleash her Dragon's Breath, a sight that left everyone stunned before they reached the coast. Without hesitation, Demetra, Kassandra, and Teuila plunged into the water, transforming into their aquatic forms. Hemera leaped onto Demetra's head, where she cast a spell for protection. Together, they dove beneath the surface, beginning their journey toward Verdantia to await the arrival of the other girls.

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